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New Move: Dust Cloud

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Like the title says, I have thought of a new move called "Dust Cloud" and this will be a move for Earth Benders. Recently, I have been re-watching the original Avatar: The Last Airbender series and a particular move performed by Toph has caught my attention. Earthbending on Project Korra can be used in many different styles depending upon a users style, but this move in particular will be a defensive move for Earthbenders. An image below shows how Toph performs this ability:

Description of Ability:
- When a user performs this ability, they will release a gigantic cloud of dust similar to airburst but it will not have a knockback effect on users. Anyone that is caught within the dust storm once it has been performed will receive weakness and blindness. This ability in general reduces the victims ability to see therefore they are not able to predict where attacks are coming from, this is why they receive blindness. A victim will also receive weakness because they will not be able to land solid attacks on other users, since their vision is impaired.

How this Ability works:
- A user must be on an earth bendable block!
1) A user will charge this move for about 5 seconds (this time can be configurable) by using shift.
2) When the ability has been charged, a user will release shift creating a giant burst of dust, this could will be similar to Airburst.
3) All of the victims caught within the cloud of dust will receive blindness and weakness for 5-10 seconds. The user who performs this command will not receive these status effects.

- Dust cloud: By shaking the ground back and forth, Earthbenders can create dust clouds of various size to provide cover and even manipulate the dust particles as shown by Toph. (credits to Avatar Wiki for the correct definition)
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Weakness doesn't make you take more damage it reduces the amount of damage you deal
Oops, sorry for the misconception! Either way, it still makes sense to award a user's victims that. Since a victim's vision has been impaired, they are not able to land solid attacks properly. I will fix the original post.


Verified Member
I think definitely no more than 6 seconds of weakness and blindness, as this leaves them completely vulnerable to any surrounding player, so if it was say 10 seconds that would make the ability far too op.


Verified Member
Good job on this move. I like it for the most part, but I don't understand why the victim(s) would get weakness. In the show, nobody seemed weaker after Toph did that. All the Earth Rumble 6 guys just couldn't see, and they were still fighting with the same strength.


Verified Member
Yeah that's true, and the victims skill in the game would decrease naturally if they couldn't see other players properly.


Verified Member
This sounds like a cool move, but weakness isn't exactly what makes you take more damage (you just do less). So you would have to make the moves do more damage, and I'm not sure if you can make that exactly happen with coding.


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But I don't see why you should take more damage if you've been hit by a dust cloud.


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Seem like she did it with conjuction of shockwave, as seen in the gif how she cause blocks to tremble in a quake and the similarity of knocking people away. Therefore, I propose it to be a combo (I have no idea with what in concert shockwave should cause this dust cloud).

Performing this again on an existing ability with the same control (or shift+left click)should remove the dust cloud.
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