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Denied New Firebending Passive

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Verified Member
Element: Fire
This causes fire benders in a 10 block radius to increase the range of torches from 1.0 to 1.5, to keep this from being op, or 1.0 to 2.0. Just incase you are a math noob, by 1 I mean a whole. So If I increased it to 1.5 then it would add on half the torches range to it's already existing range. If I increase it from 1.0 to 2.0 it would double it's range.

Example in show: When firebenders were angered they would often increase the size of already existing flames. This will be using that to increase the brightness in torches.


Verified Member
Not sure if this is entirely possible, Minecraft codes pertaining to light blocks or sources is very tricky, or better yet unchangeable. From what I have seen, light blocks can not be expanded without a valid source. If I am wrong, or if you have proof that it can be changed please post it. Otherwise, I believe this is not possible.



Verified Member
I was just thinking in depth of how this could be possible. Maybe make it so that the block touching the torch becomes glowstone, like tremorsense, but everyone can see it. Glowstone blocks are brighter then torches. And lets not stop there. After that is made, see if the glowstone light can be made bigger.


Staff member
Denied -

Brightness levels are client side and cannot be manipulated due to existing Bukkit limitations(hence why there are mods and options to increase brightness). Not a bad idea though ^^.
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