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Denied [Move Addon] AirShield: AirPocket

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Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
Hi, everyone!
Having a good day in PK?
Exciting about the moves that are being made?
Well, I have some ideas that I want to share with you. It is called...

Move: AirPocket (It is contained into AirShield as WaterWave is into WaterSpout)
Usage: Left Click
Cooldown: Ten seconds
Description: When you click with AirPocket while pointing to a surface, a pocket of air wil appear.
You are at Laghima's Peek.
A Waterbender surges you and your friend, who's a chiblocker, away.
You can easily save yourself, but your friend will be doomed.
While falling, you point to the ground and click with AirShield. A bubble-like made of white particles will appear and cushion your friend's fall as he lands on it.
Some videos so you can have a better view of this:
0:36-0:37 ^^

6:23-6:24 ^^

0:18- 0:20 ^^

In order to reduce its OPness, it only cushions the damage of half the hight fallen. Per example, if you fell 50 blocks and you are fell inside an AirPocket, you would only take damage of 25 blocks.
I know that this is similar with the Airbenders' passive, it may be the only thing that could make this as a nonsense, but as I just wanna share my ideas, here you have: a new function to AirShield :D
Note: If used in Avatar State (non-poisoned), no damage is taken.

Thanks for reading!​
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Staff member
Head Moderator
Verified Member
The issue with this is, that if you do it so that you take half the fall damage, it would stop being effective at a specific point. The equation for fall damage is
While y>3 where x=damage and y=# number of blocks fallen.

The most blocks you can fall and survive with no armor is 22 blocks. This move would only be effective in falls less than 44 blocks.
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