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MetalClips Suggestion Update

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Ryan Miller

New Member

I'd like to make a suggestion towards the sub-bending ability 'MetalClips'. I was in touch with on the bending servers and they told me to come here. No introductions, here it is. Metalclips should be allowed to have a greater impact on other opponents whilst in and/or out of combat. With bloodbending, you can throw you opponents dealing damage whilst have control of them for seconds. However with metalclips, you may only take control of your opponents but you can't throw them!! This should be enable to throw said opponents using metal clips once you have attached maybe 2-3 clips. With the current sub-bending ability, you only have attract and lift ability but with this it brings the series alive and into the bending gameplay. This is only one of my suggestions. Another idea is that when you throw the clips, it deals damage towards you opponent with the additional lift and attract ability. I feel these should be created and updated towards the sub-bending ability because it brings the experience and fun of metalbending back!! Lets face it, it's pretty cool!

Thanks for reading


Staff member
Thank you for the suggestion! Unfortunately, it was posted in the wrong place, making it harder for our Concept Design team to find. I have moved it for you for our Concept Design team to review.


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Plugin Developer
Verified Member
You can throw people with metalclips, but it's a config option and a permission.

samson Galvin

Verified Member
it should be configurable to either attach to players or not. I think the move would be a lot better if it just did damage than attaching. Also, there seems to be a bug that if the player that the clips were attached to logs out during or shortly after the clips were attached, the clips will no longer shoot out of inventory.
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