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Fixed MetalClips Bugs

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Project Korra version 1.5.0 Dev 19
Ability: MetalClips
Bug Number 1:
When a player uses MetalClips on another player, armor appears on the targeted player. Upon the death of the targeted player, any and all metal armor is dropped, this bug can be exploited by players to turn four iron ingots into a full set of iron.
What should be happening: The armor should disappear like EarthArmor upon the death of the targeted player.

Bug Number 2:
When a player uses MetalClips on a mob that is not affected by MetalClips (Anything that is not a zombie, skeleton, or player) the iron ingot merely hits it, doing 5 (2.5 hearts) damage. This is more than the default EarthBlast. Granted this doesn't occur in PvP but it makes PvE somewhat unbalanced, especially considering the high damage and lack of a source.
What should be happening: The iron ingot should do a minor amount of damage (2-3) to the mob that it has no effect on.

Please tell me If I would need to separate these bugs into their own posts.


Verified Member
The damage is not a bug, iron is way more expensive then dirt, also way heavier, it's like saying a snowball should hurt as much as a stone


Verified Member
Besides, didn't they say they knew about the glitch the moment it came out in that dev build?
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