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Denied Metal Wire

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Verified Member
Hey guys! I just want to warn you that it may take a while to explain this whole idea, but if you are interested in a new metal bending move then this thread is for you :D I know that there have been suggestions before about this kind of a move, but I have an idea that I hope to be well received. If you are going to comment or ask a question about this, please make sure you have read the whole post. I will also include notes about the move after the general description of it. If you think this post needs some work in any specific area, or is lacking something don't hesitate to say so. Thank you :D

Metal Wire:
This is a metal bending move that has two uses, however neither of them do damage. This ability is pure utility, and requires you to have a tripwire hook in your inventory. The first use would be using it as a grappling hook. All you do is left click and a wire will shoot out of your hands and grip the first thing it hits within 30 blocks. Then you just left click again to reel yourself in. You can tap shift while reeling yourself to stop reeling in the wire. You can also use this move against another player or mob. Just left click while targeting the entity, and the wire will shoot towards them. Once the wire has latched onto them, you just hold shift and move your mouse around a bit. This will loosely push/pull the entity in the direction you are moving your mouse. Keep in mind that this will do no damage to the entity. The cooldown for this move is 10 seconds long.

The wires would be completely constructed of grey-ish redstone particles in a straight line, much like the recent change to lightning. I am not sure how easy it would be to make the particles gravity-accurate, so for now my suggestion is that the particles move in a straight line. Once the wire comes in contact with something it would make an anvil-placing noise.

  • You cannot switch slots or use other moves while this move is in use
  • All this move requires is a tripwire hook in your inventory, however each time you use the move there is a 40% chance of the tripwire hook breaking.
  • Tapping shift while reeling your self in can be useful if you are trying to reach a certain height or level.
  • This move has no auto-targeting system for players/mobs
  • When I say "loosely push/pull the entity" I mean that it would move them like 4-5 blocks in any direction. This part of the move could possibly be hard to use
  • Of course all moves that negate a players bending would make this move unusable (Bloodbending, Metal Clips, etc.)
Cooldown - 6 seconds
Chance of Wire breaking - 40%
Range - 30 Blocks


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Verified Member
I think that grappling hooks already exist for metalbenders.
You are correct :p However it has needed reworking in my opinion, and I think that this would make it more commonly used. I had never used a grappling hook for about 4-5 months after I started using the PK Plugin. This way it can be used as an actual move, and it is cleaner, and has more utility because you can push people around. This move uses a simple Tripwire Hook, and doesn't need its own specialized craftable item. Plus those grappling hooks can be used by Chi Blockers, but this is a metal bending specific move. This is mostly a message to the devs that I think the grappling hook needs reworked, and that I have some ideas. Thanks for the feedback though :D


Verified Member
It's a good effort but i don't see it being a move so much as PK item.
Since not alot of server owners allow items in arenas anyways, it'd be a slim to none chance of it being a move, Even if it was they'd probably require you to have some sort of source to even get the iron from, its not like you miraculously have metal to bend, if that were the case we wouldn't even need source bending, waterbenders would all have water pouches because this is a magical world with magical things and unicorns prancing on rainbows--



Verified Member
It's a good effort but i don't see it being a move so much as PK item.
Since not alot of server owners allow items in arenas anyways, it'd be a slim to none chance of it being a move, Even if it was they'd probably require you to have some sort of source to even get the iron from, its not like you miraculously have metal to bend, if that were the case we wouldn't even need source bending, waterbenders would all have water pouches because this is a magical world with magical things and unicorns prancing on rainbows--


By the way, why did you add that link?


Verified Member
I have a better idea similar to this. It would work like this:

And then in in a battle it would do this:

But remember to grapple near the titan and to aim straight for the nape of the neck or else you might- wait, is this the wrong plugin?


Verified Member
To be quiet honest we have been needing something like this for awhile, This would add more movement to the whole sub-element metal bending, Also the grappling hook we have now can't even hook onto things properly and you have to try multiple times to get to a high area due to the point it being a FISHINGPOLE, While it still being cool and all, I think this fishingpole/grappling hook thing is useless, This move would be so much more useful, Alot more fun, And alot less frustrating.

In conclusion you have my full support for this move, And it would be really cool to have!
-side note: Metal bending is super low on moves, And this move has been seen alot in The Legend of Korra.


Staff member
Denied. Grappling Hooks exist, need reworking, and the suggestion has already been made. Thanks for the suggestion nonetheless!
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