Hey all. So the idea of using an up/downvote system on the forum has been bounced around a bit lately, and I wanted to see what you guys thought of it. The poll numbers will be a strong indicator to whether we implement it or not 
To those unaware, up/downvotes are a common system, found on YikYak and Reddit. The idea is that every user can vote a post up or down, and all posts are ranked in a list based on this. Each user can only give one up OR downvote per post, but can use as many as they want on as many posts as they want.
In Suggestions in particular, this will be an excellent method of telling of what you guys think of a move, rather than what this one CD thought via a prefix, as is the current system. There is also a possibility of adding a Gold feature, where you pay for what is basically a super upvote.
If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask. Remember to state your opinions in the poll!
To those unaware, up/downvotes are a common system, found on YikYak and Reddit. The idea is that every user can vote a post up or down, and all posts are ranked in a list based on this. Each user can only give one up OR downvote per post, but can use as many as they want on as many posts as they want.
In Suggestions in particular, this will be an excellent method of telling of what you guys think of a move, rather than what this one CD thought via a prefix, as is the current system. There is also a possibility of adding a Gold feature, where you pay for what is basically a super upvote.
If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask. Remember to state your opinions in the poll!