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The combo would go lavathrow (tap shift) lavathrow (tap shift) lavathrow (right click earth block) earthtunnel (hold shift)
This will melt the block you clicked on in to lava witch will start to swirl in front of you in a drilling funnel.
How this works is its a utility/offensive move in a way that it can both drill and damage, how it drills is It destroys blocks in front of it like earthtunnel except it only destroys in front of it with in the drills area, like an actual drill you can guide which way it goes even if you make a u-turn, as well if it hits an ore it will break and drop the product of the ore but if it is smelt able ore it will smelt the block and drop the smelted product, how it works offensively is you left click and you will launch the drill of doing 3 hearts of damage and setting the victims on fire
The drill combo will have a 15 second cool down if used offensively or if used utility itscool down would be 10 this will last 30 seconds in utility mode.
This will melt the block you clicked on in to lava witch will start to swirl in front of you in a drilling funnel.
How this works is its a utility/offensive move in a way that it can both drill and damage, how it drills is It destroys blocks in front of it like earthtunnel except it only destroys in front of it with in the drills area, like an actual drill you can guide which way it goes even if you make a u-turn, as well if it hits an ore it will break and drop the product of the ore but if it is smelt able ore it will smelt the block and drop the smelted product, how it works offensively is you left click and you will launch the drill of doing 3 hearts of damage and setting the victims on fire
The drill combo will have a 15 second cool down if used offensively or if used utility itscool down would be 10 this will last 30 seconds in utility mode.