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Is Korra-mon a good Idea?

  • Totally, I like to battle random people I have met online!

    Votes: 13 50.0%
  • Also Totally, I like to battle my friends!

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Nope, Baz needs to make a better game such as Projects and Korras, ext.

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • I love you.

    Votes: 10 38.5%

  • Total voters


Verified Member

dave uses his TIMETABLES to reverse time to make the sword reappear
owcool makes the sword disappear again and then flys up high with the Eye of Agamotto, and then starts freezing Dave into cryostasis, while emanating a full body shield.


Verified Member
Sinon shatters the ice surrounding Dave and it injures owl on the process.
Sinon the Sniper.jpg


God Tier Member
Verified Member
Robot Godzilla Stomps Sinon while Sinon is gathering ammo.

dave uses his TIMETABLES to make the sword reappear. he throws the sword and using his TIMETABLES makes it accelerate to near light speed. the sword strikes Robot Godzilla and destroys it in one blow


Verified Member

dave uses his TIMETABLES to make the sword reappear. he throws the sword and using his TIMETABLES makes it accelerate to near light speed. the sword strikes Robot Godzilla and destroys it in one blow
owlcool makes timetables turn into dildos, as they are getting annoying.