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Improved AirScooter

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Verified Member
I know we all love the current AirScooter, but I'm suggesting we make it look/feel a lot nicer.
What I'm suggesting is a new way of activating the scooter. Now, when Aang was teaching the other airbenders how to use the scooter, he told them they needed to make a ball of air, then hop on top and ride it (this is from what I remember). That's exactly what I'm suggesting.

How to activate new scooter:

1.) Tap shift while looking at the ground, a ball of air particles will appear.
2.) Sprint and jump, then left click while over the scooter to get on.
http://imgur.com/ovGMTZY (first person view)
3.) Ride it around like you would the normal scooter.

If anyone is willing to code/recode this, it would be much appreciated. ;)

P.S., Maybe you could also add the scooter's physics from the show?
1.) Being able to hover in mid-air on it for a short period of time: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130629222543/avatar/images/thumb/6/6c/Aang_on_air_scooter.png/200px-Aang_on_air_scooter.png
2.) Being able to go up walls (I could not, for the life of me, find a picture of Aang riding up the wall of Ba Sing Se. You see this occur when he's about to destroy the drill, and gets on the scooter for a quick ride up the wall.)
P.P.S., Also, maybe add in the player sitting down on the scooter instead of standing? Whenever we see an airbender on the scooter, they're always sitting.

Thanks for reading ^-^

Crawl Atlastopian

Verified Member
I think this is realy realy clever. Its more detailed and looks more like the airscooter in the series than the one we have in Projectkorra.


Verified Member
WOW - I love it! It makes so much sense and would be more useful and exciting as an ability. Plus, it won't be as fiddly if executed this way, which will promote its use.

For riding up a wall, I completely agree, but I do think there should be a limit to how long it'll last (perhaps around 5 seconds default). I reckon the same should be the case for mid-air use (just as configurable). The way I see the way that could done it if, when in air scooter, the player can hold space and after about a seconds they will slowly ascend. They could also tap shift to stop moving forward (both on ground and mid-air). That's what I think could work, anyway.

I just love this idea! I REALLY hope it's added.

The only downside to these mechanics is that air scooter can no longer be used quickly, so it doesn't work well closely under attack, but I suppose it's not so bad. XD



Verified Member
I was also thinking to make a suggestion about this, too! WIth the current AirScooter you just see poeple flying low above the ground with some particles. But this would look much nicer, more realistic and actually look like the kind that airbenders actually use! Good suggestion c:


Verified Member
This isn't possible without lagging all people seeing the attack, the amount of packets will also cause connectivity issue's for people with a low bandwith, sometimes particle effects can eat 30kb/s of bandwith. The sounds will also be extremely annoying.


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Plugin Developer
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This isn't possible without lagging all people seeing the attack, the amount of packets will also cause connectivity issue's for people with a low bandwith, sometimes particle effects can eat 30kb/s of bandwith. The sounds will also be extremely annoying.
2 things.
1. Lagg? Get a better computer, set your particles to decreased or turn them off. And nobody said there are that many particles. It could be less.

2. Turn your sound off damn>->

*[Looking into] Improved air scooter...;-; I wanna ask you something. Will you marry me? You are so fantastic. ;-;*
Needs to be added. It is awesome!^3^


Verified Member
Yeah this is a really awesome suggestion. The current air scooter doesn't even look like a ball like it should. I hope it's put into the plugin!


Verified Member
2 things.
1. Lagg? Get a better computer, set your particles to decreased or turn them off. And nobody said there are that many particles. It could be less.

2. Turn your sound off damn>->

*[Looking into] Improved air scooter...;-; I wanna ask you something. Will you marry me? You are so fantastic. ;-;*
Needs to be added. It is awesome!^3^
So everytime you use airscooter and you encounter someone they have to turn their sound off? Seems a bit arrogant, and enabling decreased particles might mess up how the airscooter bubble looks. Particles are the main cause of fps drops in bending. Sounds like a cool idea but I doubt your current method is possible without the drawbacks I mentioned.


Verified Member
So everytime you use airscooter and you encounter someone they have to turn their sound off? Seems a bit arrogant, and enabling decreased particles might mess up how the airscooter bubble looks. Particles are the main cause of fps drops in bending. Sounds like a cool idea but I doubt your current method is possible without the drawbacks I mentioned.
The particles I used in the pictures are just different particles (potion particles) used with AirStream


Verified Member
This isn't possible without lagging all people seeing the attack, the amount of packets will also cause connectivity issue's for people with a low bandwith, sometimes particle effects can eat 30kb/s of bandwith. The sounds will also be extremely annoying.
In the picture there may seem a lot particles, but that is something that is easily solved. If that would lag you so hard, then AirBurst, FireBurst, etc. would be a really bigger problem for you. Since they create even more particles... c;
So keep in mind that is a really minor problem.

For the sound: It would just create as much sound as the regular AirScooter. No Problems. c:


Verified Member
In the picture there may seem a lot particles, but that is something that is easily solved. If that would lag you so hard, then AirBurst, FireBurst, etc. would be a really bigger problem for you. Since they create even more particles... c;
So keep in mind that is a really minor problem.

For the sound: It would just create as much sound as the regular AirScooter. No Problems. c:
FireBurst and AirBurst do actually create some serious lag problems. I love this suggestion, but hopefully we can find a way to decrease the particles needed while keeping the sphere shape.

This isn't possible without lagging all people seeing the attack, the amount of packets will also cause connectivity issue's for people with a low bandwith, sometimes particle effects can eat 30kb/s of bandwith. The sounds will also be extremely annoying.
As for the sound, honestly, it's not that big of a deal. You'll hear it for a second as they zoom past you, then not again. For the people using it, just turn the volume down.

2 things.
1. Lagg? Get a better computer, set your particles to decreased or turn them off. And nobody said there are that many particles. It could be less.

2. Turn your sound off damn>->

*[Looking into] Improved air scooter...;-; I wanna ask you something. Will you marry me? You are so fantastic. ;-;*
Needs to be added. It is awesome!^3^
And to you, just a reminder, if people turn particles off, they can't see certain things in the plugin, like firebending. You need particles on to see what people are shooting at you.


Verified Member
You can't make people sit, unless you want us to spawn an arrow to fly around.
To make it more realistic it maybe could get activated by:
(left-click): the AirBall appears.
(jump+hold shift): Ride the AirBall by holding shift.

Maybe then it'll look more like 'sitting' on the AirBall because the bender holds shift.


Verified Member
To make it more realistic it maybe could get activated by:
(left-click): the AirBall appears.
(jump+hold shift): Ride the AirBall by holding shift.

Maybe then it'll look more like 'sitting' on the AirBall because the bender holds shift.
I suppose, but that would use up some controls that would have been used for some features of this suggestion.


Verified Member
I like the suggestions for the new features, such as riding walls, hovering, etc., but I think the method airbenders use to activate AirScooter is good, and simple. Your suggestion simply adds sneaking to the activation method, which I think is obselete.


Verified Member
I love the particle ball you shown in the pucture :>. Speaking of, i'll post thesw pictures so it easy to look at them without needing to click links and open in each tab:

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