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Ice Suffocate

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God Tier Member
Verified Member
This is an extremely important thing I recently experienced on a 1.8 server I play on. IceSphere moves (Torrent, Surge, IceWave) are horribly broken. In 1.8 it was changed so that ice causes suffocation damage. Now this is making ice moves do an extreme amount of damage as players such Airbenders and Chiblockers are hopelessly stuck in the ice suffocating to death. Now here is what I am suggesting; an ice block does not form around the player's head. It is as simple as that. This will stop the ice from killing the players unfairly and make it so that they can see (you can no longer see inside of ice blocks either). I believe this will fix the problem nicely without taking away the usefulness of Torrent, Surge, and IceWave. I hope you agree, and if you don't; please leave a change or suggestion to fix this problem. Thanks for reading.


Verified Member
An interesting idea, which I support, but I feel it may not be as simple as that in all situations. I feel like it may not freeze them in the exact position needed if the distance is too close or the target is moving too quickly. I may be wrong though.


Verified Member
I still think 1.8 servers are still something that should be developed at lot before moving up to the bountiful update... that said, this nerf is muchly required /:


Verified Member
I have never been suffocated by ice in 1.8, so I honestly don't see what is wrong. I have been in ice in 1.8 quite a few times, but never suffocated by it. I am suspecting that this is from the ice glitching into real ice that can't be heatcontrol melted, but eh.


Verified Member
I've tested with this, I had a friend freeze me with torrent in 1.8 using the 1.5.1 build of PK and once it hit me, all I could see was blue, nothing else, and this wasn't packed ice... I have to break the block covering my head to see inside the ice.


Verified Member
I see where the concern comes, so anyone saying this problem shouldn't be fixed is just not seeing the point.
Suffocation from being frozen is a overly op thing that would unbalance the plugin. I'm glad you pointed this out, and I hope it'll be fixed soon :)
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