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Denied Heat Redirection

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Verified Member
My newest suggestion is an ability for Firebenders, called heat redirection. This ability has been demonstrated by Fire Lord Sozin in Book 3 Episode 6, "The Avatar and the Fire Lord", during which, Fire Lord Sozin redirected the heat from the lava (shown by him bending the heat towards him, through his body, and out his fingers on his other hand, similar to lightning redirection), subsequently cooling it.

My idea is that a firebender could use this ability by using the shift key to dissipate fires by "redirecting the heat", and use this technique to cool lava into cobblestone (or obsidian, if you think that is better), like Fire Lord Sozin did.

Here is a demonstration of the technique by Fire Lord Sozin (heat redirection at 3:26):



Staff member
Roku is my favorite Avatar!

Aside from that, I am denying this suggestion because, like it was said before me, this is HeatControl.
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