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Denied Flamebody

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Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Name: Flamebody
Element: fire
How used: [l-click]
Description: this move would have a configurable duration (I suggest like a default of 7 seconds). The user creates a fire aura around their body. Whenever someone hits them while the move is active, they will be set on fire for a certain time. As a bonus, the user could sprint at an enemy and punch them, transferring the fire to them dealing fire damage to them. If that happens the move goes away.

Thanks for reading! Post suggestions!


Verified Member
Isn't this pretty much FireShield's shifting ability? If you're in close enough range I think you can still burn the opponent. I get this is a faster move here with the need to hold shift but I can see this getting denied


Staff member
Denied, too similar to FireShield if anything. Also sort of crosses into the Fantastic Four area with the Human Torch, in the show Firebenders were still capable of burning.

If the suggested ability isn't clearly different from an already existing move or the change isn't obvious it will be denied.
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