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Denied Fire Shield Re-Work

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Verified Member
A guy made a post about adding more moves that fire shield could block here:

Upon reading this someone mentioned that fire shield needs a re-work in general, and it gave me a idea for how it would be cool to re-work it.

In the show, whenever fire bender's used a defensive ability, it was a flowing motion. It was like water bending in the way that it flowed, to me atleast.

I think fire shield should get completely changed so that it isn't a circle around you but instead, a flow of fire that blocks/reduces damage of most moves.

How it would work:
You would hold shift then move your mouse in a flowing motion across your screen to flow a fire wall.
This shield would stay active as long as you keep moving your mouse back and forth across your screen, and the wall would follow wherever you are facing.
You would be vulnerable behind you and maybe at your sides?

If the wall got hit too many times it could break and knock you back/setting fire to the ground for impact.
It would either block moves or reduce the damage for most moves.
Some moves could just instantly break the fire wall, possibly an air move.

You could even add this into a combo;
Mini fire burst- combo It with fire burst to fire a wall of fire to wherever you're facing, leaving a trail of fire and having an effect of Fireblast when it hits an opponent (and knocking them back)

Why you should add it:
There's so much you can do with the idea of this move. Expand on combo's, interact with other moves and overall improve fire bending by adding some defence.
The only complication is that the fire shield and firejet combo (jetblast) would either have to be activated some other way or activated with this move, which doesn't really make much sense with the type of move that it is.

How it's balanced:
Firstly, you're still vulnerable behind you and your sides.
Also, if someone breaks it, it could harm you (depending on how it's made)
I would like to note that, people often say ''fire doesn't have much defence''
Well I say, why not? In the show fire had some defence. The moves they used to defend themselves were in the style of the move that I'm explaining.

In general, whether you use this idea or not, fire shield does need a re-work.
I would say it's one of the least used fire moves (aside from when used with combo's)

This idea is open for anyone to use, I would love someone to make this move! (Looking at you Jed)

Screenshot examples:

Thanks for reading,
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Staff member
Plugin Developer
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The only problem I see, firebenders were really good at blocking fire attacks. Not much else. One time did a fire shield block all the elements, and that was Azula with her blue fire. I would love to see firebenders blocking the other elements if you can find any gifs. Otherwise it isn't canon.


Verified Member
The only problem I see, firebenders were really good at blocking fire attacks. Not much else. One time did a fire shield block all the elements, and that was Azula with her blue fire. I would love to see firebenders blocking the other elements if you can find any gifs. Otherwise it isn't canon.
Huh, I guess you're right.
I've had a think about it and actually, I can't recall a time where fire shield blocked all the elements.

If anyone can remember, please refresh my memory by posting a gif, thanks!

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
I willvtalk freely... I never saw a FireShield in-show. Never. (Without counting with that Azula-can-defend-herself-from-all-four-elements-...-and-a-boomerang)
But as this move is implemented, you like to see this features implemented


Verified Member

This gif in particular seems kind of like one of the ways to block fireblasts now, which is by shooting other fireblasts at it. I suppose it could certainly look better though.


Verified Member

This gif in particular seems kind of like one of the ways to block fireblasts now, which is by shooting other fireblasts at it. I suppose it could certainly look better though.
She punched the fireballs....even a blind man can see that..... She like shot one fireball and that was after she blocked it to "return fire".


Verified Member
She punched the fireballs....even a blind man can see that..... She like shot one fireball and that was after she blocked it to "return fire".
So maybe a change in the animation of two fireblasts hitting eachother to be more fireshield-esque? Hopefully that's not too difficult to code.
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Verified Member
Now as I agree, that fireshield needs a rework, the rework should NOT be this. You mean so firebenders can use fireshield, they have to keep moving around their mouse? This would lower the mobility a firebender has during executing this move! And look at this! Your meaning to tell me if I shot repeatively throw earthblasts at a fireshield it will eventually brake? Not happening. No one would use this move in combat if it took that amount of time to create a shield of fire that can eventually brake and possible make someone dizzy.


Verified Member
And to everyone who thinks the blocking of fire in The Legend of Korra was fireshield, its not. Its the firebender redirecting the fire being thrown at them. Most of the animated pictures you put were wall of fire. Which comes to the conclusion that wall of fire should get a rework to (gonna do it right now :D).


Verified Member
And to everyone who thinks the blocking of fire in The Legend of Korra was fireshield, its not. Its the firebender redirecting the fire being thrown at them. Most of the animated pictures you put were wall of fire. .
First off, no redirecting was going on .-. Just blocking the shots, then shooting back their own separate shots. Also, none of those were wall of fire? Only Jeong Jeong was seen using wall of fire really...


Verified Member
First off, no redirecting was going on .-. Just blocking the shots, then shooting back their own separate shots. Also, none of those were wall of fire? Only Jeong Jeong was seen using wall of fire really...
I meant redirection not towards them but towards somewhere else.


Verified Member
Just to bring this back up;

Yes I know, he was using the power of the comet.
But still, it shows there's powerful defense moves for fire.


Verified Member
Mako did defend himself with a fireshield in probending, given earth did break through the shield, probending isn't exactly a defensive sport. So it wouldn't be the worst idea in the world to give fire a little bit more defense, even if it is difficult to pull off.


Verified Member
If they're still vulnerable from behind and the sides then that's basically a more limited version of Firewall. It seems like it would be awkward to perform. Denied.
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