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Entangle (plantbending)

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Verified Member
Entangle: as a plant bender you are a master of pushing and pulling plants to do your biding. Shift at a vine or long grass to select a source (vines are better) then left click a target to launch the vines or grass torts the target to wrap them in vines or grass ,(vines have a better range than grass like vines have like 9 wile grass has 5) you can now leave them there entangled (10 seconds if vines or 5 seconds for grass) or you can hold shift to start winching them to the source slowly or finally left click to crack the vines or grass like a whip to damage them for one heart (but will result in breaking the bindings).


Verified Member
Not bad. But I think 10 seconds is way too long. I think 3 or 4 seconds would be better. Also, it should have a long cooldown. At least 10 seconds.


Verified Member
Not bad. But I think 10 seconds is way too long. I think 3 or 4 seconds would be better. Also, it should have a long cooldown. At least 10 seconds.
ok i think you might be right about the cool down but about the entanglement i think it should be 5 or 6 if you think its to long
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