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Denied Earth Dome

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New Member
Element: Earth
Sub element: None
Move or Combo: Move
Name: EarthDome
No damage, its for defensive
Description: You raise the earth in form of a ball around the user, or around an enemy
How to use: You press shift and a dome of earth raises around you, or you leftclick an enemy and the earth will trap the chosen target
Its been seen in avatar before, atleast around the user, when Aang was fighting Ozai and he panicked, so he and made an earth dome around himself.

Click the video:
and skip to 3:45 to see in action.¨

This could be a new ability or a new form of earthgrab since they are very similar.

Feel free to tell me what you think about this in the chat below :)


God Tier Member
Verified Member
This is accomplished by EarthGrab, so there is not really a reason to add it.


God Tier Member
Verified Member
A custom move coder could make it a new version (like Catapult+, AirScooter+, etc) of EarthGrab though.
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