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Denied Earth Case

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Verified Member
So it just occured to me that being the element of defense earth is missing one key move used comonly in the show, Toff uses this move alot and aang uses it in his end fight against the emporer.

Move concept: A tomb or encasement of earth around the bender that is created by clicking and entirely encases them in stone/dirt with a 8 block pocket in the middle where the bender is. It could easilly be made a combo for earthgrab.

Purpose: the purpose is simple, to give the earth bender enough time to recuperate a little, eat food etc. It is very practicle in my opinion for an earth bender to be able to take his time and this would make that an option.

Practicle?: this move is certainly possible, using the mechanics of earthgrab to get the earth up and as shown by octopusform it is possible to put the blocks above creating an entirely unbroken encasement.

Move Design: The idea for apearance would have the earth raise 2 blocks like the earthgrab and then shift inward overhead making a small pyramid of sorts, lastly it would turn to stone to give the bender time as their oponent dug. I would recomend haveing it activated by clicking so that it could also be used to protect friends but shift and self would work too. The more important idea is that it disappears when the user shifts or even clicks a second time. This is so they don't get trapped in their own defense. Lastly if it could be created so that collapse won't affect it that would be even more effective so that if battling alongside another earthbender you won't get suffocated.

Please avoid comments such as its stupid and other pointless remarks, If you dislike the idea please say why and constructively make improvement suggestions. Or Just politely say why.


Verified Member
Move concept: A tomb or encasement of earth around the bender that is created by clicking and entirely encases them in stone/dirt with a 8 block pocket in the middle where the bender is. It could easilly be made a combo for earthgrab.
Combo for EarthGrab is EarthGrab in combo form -_-


Verified Member
i feel this should just be a move with a 2 second charge time then as one of the combos for it could be earth sink where the entire bubble would sink into the ground (its your choice tho it's just a rough idea :) )


Verified Member
So it is like EarthGrip (the move I have suggested)? I can imagine the design on how it would look like (gonna post an ingame image).


Verified Member
Sorry Hydro, sorry I couldn't find a similar move, but i would love to see the suggestion.
And Hero, what combo are you refering too?
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