Verified Member
Kinda like a combo, but includes one ability only - earthsmash.
Hold Sneak to charge an earthsmash. While doing that, scroll through all the slots until you end up to the earthsmash bind again. This will pinpoint the location that it should erupt itself from far away distance, but still close to your targeted player. However, this would only work if any kind of player is in your line of sight.
For a better efficiency of this "combo", have your cursor focus on one of the sides of the player you're trying to kill/injure.
Now stop sneaking. Unlike doing this regulary, this won't lift up (i.e. create) an earthsmash but it will save up the location where it will later on after perfecting this combo.
Now repeat the same thing, minus the scrolling step (or not?), and have your cursor focus on the other/opposite side of the target. After letting go of sneak on a second time this will create two earthsmashes on those sides, leaving the enemy in between them. If you time this right before the opponent manages to dodge or leave the area, you can left click on him to allow two earthsmashes crush him and leave him/her stuck suffocating between those rocks.
ETA: Distance earthsmash would deal only 1 heart if two of them are created (I believe the same was applied for earthshard after people were over-abusing its power).
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