Verified Member
Seeing them running into water and fastswimming would be alot funnier imo xD*Villager firejets away* xD
I haven't tested it but does it work for non-aggressive mobs? Since they don't target things, I'm curious...

Seeing them running into water and fastswimming would be alot funnier imo xD*Villager firejets away* xD
I haven't tested it but does it work for non-aggressive mobs? Since they don't target things, I'm curious...
Can you please send me your PK Mobs config?Hi, so I installed the plugin, but um when I try to do /projectkorramobs spawn 3 ZOMBIE it says that ZOMBIE cant bend pls help
Read the rest of this update entry...Updated to ProjectKorra 1.8.0 Beta 8:
- This version will not work on versions lower than Beta 8.
bump <3 still a cool ideacan you make it so we can assign mobs to elements please like:
a hook with mythicmobs so we can use the mob names and types to be specific with what mob:name can bend which element for example:
#Bendable Element
- Zombie:&bIce Angel
#Mob : Name
- Zombie:&4Zombie King
- Cow:&fFlying Bison
- Pig:&7Mole
Uhm im not sure why that would be happening, but i have a newer version being made atm that should fix a lot of the bugs experienced with current versions.So, I have a question about bending villagers. I spawned a firebending villager and then I put it up to a zombie, and it wasn't bending, but the zombie was chasing after it as if it were an actual player. Feedback please? I am also updated to the most current version.
Read the rest of this update entry...THIS VERSION REQUIRES PROJECT KORRA BETA 10.
- Updated to new API.
- Fixed "ghost" mobs bending.
yeah this doesnt support 1.9 yet sorry.