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Current Manipulation

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Verified Member
This is just an upgrade of my previous idea thread.


  • If you ever used the /fixwater command, this is what it basically does: toggle-able by tapping sneak, the water that is in your radius will be affected.
    • You’ll be notify in the chat if it’s toggled on or off after clicking the key.
    • No cooldown.
    • Radius: 6
    • Depth: 6
  • Clicking at a full water block will change it to flowing (away from the user).
    • The Direction you till the camera away from the block after the click, its current flow will be change into that direction.
      • After that, moving the cursor to adjacent water block will also affect that block and extend the flow to there, unless moved once more but to another direction which results in a different current turn.
    • Clicking again disables the ability, however it won’t revert the changes that were done on water by it.
  • Left Clicking Falling water or spread water and while holding sneak (as long as you do that, you p) you can then shorten it back (or push it back up if it’s a waterfall) or expand it (if it fell down at a steep edge, you pull the water from there to the continue on the surface it was before).
    • The Water stays under control while you hold sneak (so if you let go, the water will retract/restart falling down the hole that was under its wake).
    • Similar to how Katara stop Tai Lee aproaching her, by pushing the water the chiblocker was in back to the drill.
      • Maybe with this ability in a combo collaboration, same effect could be applied: Current Manipulation > Surge (Left Click the stream).
    • You could also change its flow direction, breaking the minecraft’s “flows to the closest falling edge” law of physics rule.


Verified Member
I'm so confused, mainly because I didn't understand your comparison to /fixwater
The Command changes the id of a water to 9 (which sets it to Still Water), and I think it updates the block, in a specific radius specified after typing it in the given argument.

In this, you basically have an "aura" that changes the near flowing water into stanionary as you walk around after toggling it via sneak tap.


Verified Member
If anyone asks what are the pros to this ability:
1)Gives more in depth control over water.
2)Gives more utility-only based abilities, other than just waterbubble and healingwaters
3)Allows the player to fix messes like these ones:



Verified Member
if this idea is what I think it is I love it I would love to have more control over flowing water. Is it that you can change the direction of flowing water and make one full block of water flow in a direction?
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