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Yeah but Earth has a move that makes an instant lava radius around them.. So heat control was kinda useful
Not instant, unless the server you play on has completely made lava op. and HeatControl wasn't logical, as discussed on a multitude of threads.


Verified Member
Yea I guess I know where he plays xD
Because I play on my server and I've tried to make it have a warm-up time (time it takes to materialise the lava) and it won't. And every server I have been on, when you shift lava it appears instantly. I though they just changed it like that.


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Because I play on my server and I've tried to make it have a warm-up time (time it takes to materialise the lava) and it won't. And every server I have been on, when you shift lava it appears instantly. I though they just changed it like that.
It has a charge time by default I'm pretty sure...


Verified Member
== Configurations ==

Hello, This is a suggestion on the ProjectKorra Config.
There's been changes in the config I believe, and I think it could offer more.

I will offer my own opinions on what I think should be added In the PK Config.

EarthGrab | Size |Height |
AirBlast | Cooldown |
Torrent | Speed (How fast it spins) |
AirSpout | Speed (How fast you can move on Spout |
WaterSpout | Speed (How fast you can move on Spout) |
Airbubble | Shift or Slot (If you have to use the Slot to use it, or hold shift)
Waterbubble | Shift or Slot (if you have to use the slot to use it or hold shift)
AirShield | Animation Speed (How fast the AirShield Spins)
Tornado | Animation Speed (How fast it spins)
RaiseEarth | CoolDown (I don't really need this, but others might want it?)
HeatControl | Speed (How fast it takes to cool the lava)
Fire | Non-Linked Config (Has it's own configuration to a specific move, other than 1 for 2.)
Air | Non-Linked Config (Has it's own configuration to a specific move, other than 1 for 2.)
EarthSmash | SourceRange (How far you pull it out of the ground)
AirBurst | Radius (How big the radius should be for AirBurst)
FireShield | BlockChance (I believe this is how strong the fireshield can be when blocker certain moves)

Have any Ideas? Comment below, and I will add it in!
Some of the config options may not be available! Just ideas!

-= Implemented Ideas From =-
+ @SchvinDZC
+ @finnbon

Pls add up the watermanip cooldown :eek: that's very important and needed for a long time :eek:


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Because I play on my server and I've tried to make it have a warm-up time (time it takes to materialise the lava) and it won't. And every server I have been on, when you shift lava it appears instantly. I though they just changed it like that.


Staff member
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Verified Member
Something like 'source range' could be added to EarthSmash to select how far away you can pull it out of the ground.
HeatControl's Solidify could have a 'speed' option.
I also noticed in the config that AirBurst's range is linked to AirBlast, and FireBurst's damage is linked to FireBlast. It'd be cool if these two values could be independent
Code-wise thats difficult because the way AirBurst works is calculating locations and firing off several airblasts in each of those locations at once


Verified Member
Pls add up the watermanip cooldown :eek: that's very important and needed for a long time :eek:
      Enabled: true
      Description: 'To use, place your cursor over a waterbendable object and tap
        sneak (default: shift). Smoke will appear where you''ve selected, indicating
        the origin of your ability. After you have selected an origin, simply left-click
        in any direction and you will see your water spout off in that direction,
        slicing any creature in its path. If you look towards a creature when you
        use this ability, it will target that creature. A collision from Water Manipulation
        both knocks the target back and deals some damage. Alternatively, if you have
        the source selected and tap shift again, you will be able to control the water
        more directly.'
      Damage: 3.0
      Range: 18
      Speed: 35
      Push: 0.5
      Cooldown: 1000
Huh? Cooldown is in the configuration, or are you speaking of something else for Manip?


Verified Member
Code-wise thats difficult because the way AirBurst works is calculating locations and firing off several airblasts in each of those locations at once
Wait, isn't FireBurst coded the same way? Shooting multiple FireBlasts in every direction? I know the ranges aren't linked between the two fire moves, so I figured it'd be possible to do with air.


Verified Member
I think that this would be a good idea, I can't count the amount of people that want airburst to have a radius that they can set themselves.
It might be worth looking into.
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