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Verified Member
Why you want to be a Moderator: I have tons of great ideas and I know how crazy people can be when they want their idea out there. I know how to handle them while making sure no one gets upset. I am ready to be a Community Moderator because i've been exploring the Project Korra website for a long time. (decided to make an account to post my ideas)
Prior community Moderating experience: Owning a server. Owning an enjin site for the server. (lost my enjin account (the passwords for enjin are hard to remember because of their capital letters stuff))
Relevant Skills to Moderating a Forum / Community: Very social, Ability to interact with others, ability to interact people that may frustrate others, Ability to handle frustration without taking it out on the forum member, ability to handle extreme profanity and controversy.
Time Zones you can cover: EST (sorry I have to balance hockey, track, and baseball.)
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