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Coal Bending

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Verified Member
Coal Bending is for Earthbenders. Basically, it's having the ability to bend coal blocks like any other Earth bendable blocks. I know that you can change stuff in the configuration and make it work, but I think having it by default would make more sense. Why? The idea's origin comes from one episode in the Avatar series when all the Earth benders were on the Fire nation ships. Aang and the crew needed to help them escape so they found the coal the ships were burning and gave it to the Earth bender prisoners. They could fight their way out and reclaimed their freedom. I just think that it's kinda weird that one of the things most people would think is bendable, isn't. It really isn't a big change, but on some bending servers, they have coal blocks in different places. Of course, it's not bendable, so I can't quickly get out of a situation. Just a suggestion. Leave your thoughts below. :)


Verified Member
Just saying, adding blocks is always available in the configuration file for Earth-bendable Blocks. However, I do support this idea to be considered for the Core version with access for the server to enable or disable the feature.
(Which usually always comes naturally with the vast flexibility that ProjectKorra offers.)


Verified Member
Just saying, adding blocks is always available in the configuration file for Earth-bendable Blocks. However, I do support this idea to be considered for the Core version with access for the server to enable or disable the feature.
(Which usually always comes naturally with the vast flexibility that ProjectKorra offers.)
That's basically what he means. he wants it to available without need it of adding it with the hand
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