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Denied Chi - Evade

Should this be implemented?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • No (why in comments)

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Needs work (why in comments)

    Votes: 1 25.0%

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Verified Member
Type: ability
Name: Evade
Default: true
Description: chiblockers skilled with aerobatics can dodge attacks. Simply click and white smoke particles will appear for 1 second (the duration of this ability) When activated there's a 75% chance of dodging (taking no damage) and 25% chance to deflect any melee attacks onto the opponent.
Effect: Chance to dodge attacks for 1 second.
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Extra: If a chi-blocker uses rapid punch on you while this ability is enabled if it gets deflected all 4 punches will be deflected.


This seems like we're making binds out of nowhere. Any good chiblocker can simply use the speed buffs to run around the shots, or jump over them via HighJump


Verified Member
This seems like we're making binds out of nowhere. Any good chiblocker can simply use the speed buffs to run around the shots, or jump over them via HighJump
Nono this has a chance to deflect and is good for melee. as chi-blockers have been seen *Ty lee* to use this. This can be used as a strategic move also, If you dodge the move with this ability, then another chi-blocker could ambush them while their getting their next ability ready.


Nono this has a chance to deflect and is good for melee. as chi-blockers have been seen *Ty lee* to use this. This can be used as a strategic move also, If you dodge the move with this ability, then another chi-blocker could ambush them while their getting their next ability ready.
Just run, chiblocking is an evasive style of fighting and it can switch between offense and defense


Verified Member
Eh, I see this as more of a passive than anything else, but it doesn't seem all that needed since chiblockers are already quite evasive at this point.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
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well, I think the cooldown is way too short. Just dodge, run around, dodge, run around...


Verified Member
So it dodges in all instances other than when used in the same time frame of RapidPunch where it deflects all of the damage?


Verified Member
So it dodges in all instances other than when used in the same time frame of RapidPunch where it deflects all of the damage?
No, when activated there's a chance (defined in the config options) that while activated (time configurable) will be able to deflect it, move like ranged such as earthblast and stuff would just not damage the user, but melee attacks *like rapidpunch* and players who use swords, would deflect the damage onto them, the chi-blocking passive does apply for this.


Verified Member
Okay, in that case I think it's needs a bit more detail to specification to make enough sense and balance it out. Firstly, I'd suggest a certain range of blocks (maybe 2-3) in which you must left-click THE TARGET for the deflect to take effect, then the time margin would set in and if they use an attack against you it will deflect. To me it seems better to think of it as parrying rather then deflection. Secondly, to trigger the evading effect you'd just have to tap sneak (I say sneak because it seems more realistic. It would equate to the chiblocker's noticable physical movements when directly evading an incoming attack. Plus, it doesn't have to slow down a skilled chiblocker if they jump and sneak on the go), but no short range is required so you can dodge at any distance, but you cannot deflect at any distance, only within the specified range of the aimed target. The same time margin would apply to dodge as it would deflecting.

The reason for this is because realistically chiblockers don't deflect ranged damage (especially not elements), but they do something similar with melee attacks, which is how parrying works. That is how I can see it being worthy of implementing otherwise it would be overpowered and illogical for an chiblocker to just defect the damage of, say, an EarthBlast from about 10 blocks away.

Also, I don't think this ability should be effective by chance; I think it should work 100% of the time otherwise in some situations it'll be a waste of an attempt using it and you'll be stricken with a cooldown for something that didn't work. I think it should be based on timing; judging when the opponent will use an attack to deflect the damage or seeing an attack closing in and timing it right to dodge when it's about to hit you.

Finally, I think that when it comes to deflecting a fire-based ability that it should deflect perhaps only the initial damage which would not include the burning damage because that would not seem feasible within the chiblocker's capabilities. They themselves can only strike physically, so manipulation of physical damage would pertain to that. However, they do not have direct control over fire like a firebender does so they would not be able to actually cast the burning back unto the attackers through any of their physical means.

Other then that I think your idea is pretty good and could work. The dodging makes sense and, of course, configurable activation time is wise to include. I would like to see how this would make attacking chiblockers, so nice suggestion. :)
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Verified Member
Although this is a cool idea, I feel that Chiblockers have enough evasive tactics up their sleeves. Thank you for your activity on the Project Korra forums.
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