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Chi Combo - Uppercut

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God Tier Member
Verified Member
Move: Uppercut
Element?: Chi-Blocker
Damage: +1 damage
Upwards Knockback: 8 blocks
Head Lock Time: 3.5 seconds
Range: Punching Distance
Cooldown: 5 seconds
Combo Sequence: WarriorStance (Active) > HighJump (Tap Shift) > RapidPunch (Tap Shift) > RapidPunch (Left-Click)
Description: When this combo is used on a target, they are knocked 8 blocks into the air, 1 extra damage is dealt, and they are forced to look straight up for several seconds. If you miss the target the combo is lost and must be redone. If target is paralyzed (by Paralyze) they will not take the knockback, but will still have their head locked looking up for the 3.5 seconds duration.

Thanks for reading! Please, leave suggestions and/or criticism if you want!


Verified Member
I like the move.

I think i would be able to make this into a single move, but not a combo. with a few edits to it.
Like i can't keep there head up, or the paralyze thing.

I support this! :)


God Tier Member
Verified Member
Actually, the head can be locked looking a certain direction. The original suffocation did this and I have seen other plugins that have done so.


Verified Member
Actually, the head can be locked looking a certain direction. The original suffocation did this and I have seen other plugins that have done so.

Ah okay. I'm just saying if i would make this into a move.
If hit you it a player, and they go somewhat up into the air.

Also if they go a bit too high, they take falldamage unless airbender.



Verified Member
Nice suggestion. 8 blocks is quite the height (which I reckon should be configurable) but it's darn effective.

On the Paralyze note, I reckon they'd probably still take the fall damage and probably die from that even if they don't get knocked up into the air. XD
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