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Fixed Bug: Opped Presets Duplicating

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Verified Member
For some reason whatever presets I have set as an opped player seem to be duplicating themselves every time I log in. 1.5.0 BETA 2

Whenever I connect the log shows (regardless of being opped or not):

27.09 03:20:35 [Server] INFO [03:20:35 INFO]: [ProjectKorra] Loaded 3 presets for dniym

I can manually delete them one at the time, so it sure seems like they're being saved as separate presets with the same name.


Staff member
I believe this bug was caused by Presets not unloading when a player signed out, so, when they signed it, they kept adding on new Presets (even though they were already loaded). Thank you for this report.

I believe it was fixed in 1.5.0 BETA 3, if you could, please give it a shot and let me know if it was actually fixed. Thanks.
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