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Complete BloodBending

Should this be implemented into the plugin?

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Verified Member
The move everyone complains about, the move that everyone fears... Blood Bending

Bloodbending is the one move that isn't as configurable as it should be. I think, and many agree that bloodbending should have many configurable nerfs. These include how high you can make a player float, only able to be used during a full moon and bloodbending through blocks (when selecting the player). This would be added to the config like so (Untouched):
      Enabled: true
      Description: This ability was made illegal for a reason. With this ability selected, sneak while targeting something and you will bloodbend that target. Bloodbent targets cannot move, bend or attack. You are free to control their actions by looking elsewhere - they will be forced to move in that direction. Additionally, clicking while bloodbending will launch that target off in the direction you're looking. People who are capable of bloodbending are immune to your technique, and you are immune to theirs.
      CanOnlyBeUsedAtNight: false
    *CanOnlyBeUsedOnFullMoon: false
      CanBeUsedOnUndeadMobs: true
      ThrowFactor: 2
      Range: 10
    *HeightLimit: -1 **-1=NO LIMIT**
    *CanUseThroughBlocks: true


Verified Member
I like this idea a lot. It would be pretty cool if you can only use it under the full moon. The other players would know to stay away from waterbenders during it. A question I have is, do you need CanOnlyBeUsedAtNight feature on for CanOnlyBeUsedOnFullMoon to work?


Verified Member
I really don't think you can go wrong with a change to the plugin that is completely configurable.


Verified Member
I like this idea a lot. It would be pretty cool if you can only use it under the full moon. The other players would know to stay away from waterbenders during it. A question I have is, do you need CanOnlyBeUsedAtNight feature on for CanOnlyBeUsedOnFullMoon to work?
I'm not exactly sure how the CanOnlyBeUsedAtNight feature works with day/night. I would say the CanOnlyBeUsedOnFullMoon would override whatever is in the night slot,if it is set to true, that way you can't contradict yourself and mess up how it works. I guess that's something I would have to ask a coder about on it.


Staff member
Plugin Developer
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Since the check for a full moon only happens at night, if you require a full moon you are thereby requiring night.
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