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BloodBending Balance

Balance BloodBending?

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For Plugin: Project Korra (Core)
Seen In: A:TLA & A:LoK (BloodBending is, this is just a suggestion to balance it)
Very Detailed Explanation: Nowadays, people use the term OP way too loosely. They claim anything relatively good that can kill you "OP." This is clearly not the definition, which is Over Powered. I can truly say that BloodBending is actually OP. You can literally look at a person and move them in any way you want. Not only is this not how it is shown in the show, but it has forced many servers to make BloodBending disabled or a donator perk. Now, the idea is that when someone starts BloodBending they're health will tick down half a heart. Slowly at first, then slightly faster after each tick. After taking 3 hearts of damage, (togglable) the BloodBending will "break" and the person being BloodBent is released. This will start a relatively long cool down. Now, as you get closer and closer to a full moon the hearts will tick slower and slower until, on a full moon, you will no longer take ticking damage from BloodBending. This only applies during a full moon, and all other effects still apply. I think when the cycle is on a 'no moon' a person shouldn't be able to BloodBend, since they are at their weakest. Quick note, I do think that people in the show could bloodbend without a full moon. The reason for the full moon was to be stronger/strong. If an extremely powerful WaterBender practiced, they should be able to do it, in although a limited way, some form of BloodBending. I think since Katara was on such a different level than Hama that, with time, maturity, and practice, she could do this. (But we never get to see her grow up so :|) Anyways this concludes my changes I think would balance bloodbending, tell me what you think below and I truly hope you consider this devs!

[EDIT] Also, I think BloodBenders should be able to escape being BloodBent by activating their own BloodBending on the other person. Since the other person's BloodBending would be on cool down, they wouldn't be able to escape until it was off cool down. Although, the second BloodBender's BloodBending would probably break before the cool down ended so no biggy. (Unless it was Full Moon)
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For Plugin: Project Korra (Core)
Seen In: A:TLA & A:LoK (BloodBending is, this is just a suggestion to balance it)
Very Detailed Explanation: Nowadays, people use the term OP way too loosely. They claim anything relatively good that can kill you "OP." This is clearly not the definition, which is Over Powered. I can truly say that BloodBending is actually OP. You can literally look at a person and move them in any way you want. Not only is this not how it is shown in the show, but it has forced many servers to make BloodBending disabled or a donator perk. Now, the idea is that when someone starts BloodBending they're health will tick down half a heart. Slowly at first, then slightly faster after each tick. After taking 3 hearts of damage, (togglable) the BloodBending will "break" and the person being BloodBent is released. This will start a relatively long cool down. Now, as you get closer and closer to a full moon the hearts will tick slower and slower until, on a full moon, you will no longer take ticking damage from BloodBending. This only applies during a full moon, and all other effects still apply. I think when the cycle is on a 'no moon' a person shouldn't be able to BloodBend, since they are at their weakest. Quick note, I do think that people in the show could bloodbend without a full moon. The reason for the full moon was to be stronger/strong. If an extremely powerful WaterBender practiced, they should be able to do it, in although a limited way, some form of BloodBending. I think since Katara was on such a different level than Hama that, with time, maturity, and practice, she could do this. (But we never get to see her grow up so :|) Anyways this concludes my changes I think would balance bloodbending, tell me what you think below and I truly hope you consider this devs!
Firstly, we never see Bloodbending hurt the user. Secondly, we see people who can bloodbend at will in The Legend of Korra season 1.


Verified Member
Firstly, we never see Bloodbending hurt the user. Secondly, we see people who can bloodbend at will in The Legend of Korra season 1.
Maybe there shouldn't be a health loss do to blood bending on the users part, but I think that it should give them a weakness and slowness effect as it requires immense concentration, if you remember from Hama's back story when she explain that she had to try it on rats for years before being able to move on to humans, and with all that experience. Even then she was only able to do it on a full moon. In the legend of Korra only certain people born with the ability were able to bloodbend at will whenever they wanted. Another thing to point out, Katara was actually able to break out of the will of Hama, suggesting that when at your peak you can escape. I think that instead of loosing hearts, people should gain a lesser and lesser weakness and slowness effect when using it. Also, you should be able to escape by spamming shift, but it gets harder the closer you are to a full moon.


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Firstly, we never see Bloodbending hurt the user. Secondly, we see people who can bloodbend at will in The Legend of Korra season 1.
I did this because you would be BloodBending when it isn't a full moon, which if possible would cause immense strain to your mind and body. That's also why the damage doesn't happen during a full moon, which correlates to the show. Also, I know about Yakone, he is an exception with some strange genetic mutation. BloodBending shouldn't be limited to only a full moon so ppl will be abe to any time anyways. This is also why the power of it changes depending on the moon phase.

Maybe there shouldn't be a health loss do to blood bending on the users part, but I think that it should give them a weakness and slowness effect as it requires immense concentration, if you remember from Hama's back story when she explain that she had to try it on rats for years before being able to move on to humans, and with all that experience. Even then she was only able to do it on a full moon. In the legend of Korra only certain people born with the ability were able to bloodbend at will whenever they wanted. Another thing to point out, Katara was actually able to break out of the will of Hama, suggesting that when at your peak you can escape. I think that instead of loosing hearts, people should gain a lesser and lesser weakness and slowness effect when using it. Also, you should be able to escape by spamming shift, but it gets harder the closer you are to a full moon.
No, I think that heart loss is the way to go. It's the best way to 'limit' bloodbending and make it not op. The heart loss imitates strain on the body, which is why after taking a certain amount of hearts (strain on body) you can no longer do it. Next, I talked about Yakone in my above response. I do think that only BloodBenders should be able to escape being BloodBent while the other bender can still BloodBend you, possibly only by using your BloodBending to negate theirs.
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Verified Member
I did this because you would be BloodBending when it isn't a full move, which if possible would cause immense strain to your mind and body. That's also why the damage doesn't happen during a full moon, which correlates to the show. Also, I know about Yakone, he is an exception with some strange genetic mutation. BloodBending shouldn't be limited to only a full moon so ppl will be abe to any time anyways. This is also why the power of it changes depending on the moon phase.

No, I think that heart loss is the way to go. It's the best way to 'limit' bloodbending and make it not op. The heart loss imitates strain on the body, which is why after taking a certain amount of hearts (strain on body) you can no longer do it. Next, I talked about Yakone in my above response. I do think that only BloodBenders should be able to escape being BloodBent while the other bender can still BloodBend you, possibly only by using your BloodBending to negate theirs.
I agree with everything, but I think that you should still get a weakness effect from using it :D


Verified Member
I agree with everything, but I think that you should still get a weakness effect from using it :D
I don't know BloodBending people don't really look weak when doing it. XD I think the BloodBending breaking when attacked should suffice, which is already implemented. (I think)


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I had an idea while back but never created a suggestion for it, my idea was bloodbending just pushed the player like 8 blocks in the direction your looking, if you look up, it curves so it can't be op. It would then give your target weakness 1 for like 10 seconds and slowness 11 for like 3 seconds


Verified Member
I had an idea while back but never created a suggestion for it, my idea was bloodbending just pushed the player like 8 blocks in the direction your looking, if you look up, it curves so it can't be op. It would then give your target weakness 1 for like 10 seconds and slowness 11 for like 3 seconds
No offense but idk why you put this, it isn't a suggestion to a change for my post but another idea all together. I want a balance to BloodBending but have it still be good, not an AirBlast knockoff for water. ;-; (no offense)


Verified Member
No offense but idk why you put this, it isn't a suggestion to a change for my post but another idea all together. I want a balance to BloodBending but have it still be good, not an AirBlast knockoff for water. ;-; (no offense)
I was just adding onto what you said about maybe a potion affect after the bloodbender, and maybe a different idea of like pushing, since bloodbending does no initial damage. You could have said what you just said in a nicer way.


Verified Member
I was just adding onto what you said about maybe a potion affect after the bloodbender, and maybe a different idea of like pushing, since bloodbending does no initial damage. You could have said what you just said in a nicer way.
I am sorry, I didn't mean to offend. I just saw it as your idea as a response to mine. I see what you mean now, but remember we don't want to make it OP. I think we can add a nausea/slowness effect on the player that you get after being BloodBent a certain amount of time. Possibly lasting longer the longer you're bent for, i.e. you can BloodBend longer as you get closer to a Full Moon since you lose hearts slower so the bending breaks slower. I just don't want to go overboard in added effects. I'll think about it for a bit.


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Katara was actually able to break out of the will of Hama, suggesting that when at your peak you can escape.
Katara was able to break free for two reasons. The first reason is that she is a more powerful and skilled waterbender. The second reason is that she knew about Bloodbending and thus how to subvert it.


Verified Member
Katara was able to break free for two reasons. The first reason is that she is a more powerful and skilled waterbender. The second reason is that she knew about Bloodbending and thus how to subvert it.
I actually thought that she might have even been bloodbending herself in order not to be controlled, I'm not sure if knowing about bloodbending had anything to do with it, all she knew was that it existed, not even Aang in TLOK could escape Yukone bloodbending him until he went into the avatar state, and he knew more about it then, than Katara knew at the time when she escaped from it. I think the real reason is that she was able to escape is simply because she's a badass. Also, waterbending probably helped a lot.


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Please stay on topic guys, my version doesn't even do damage to the target. And Yakone was trying to kill Aang, every other time we've seen it used they were just manipulating the other people. When Yakone tries to kill Aang he has to BloodBend for a significant amount of time and the strain on his body is evident. Just thought I'd throw that in there.


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I think bloodbending shouldn't work on people in the Avatar State because with the fight between Aang and Yakone and stuff... Just kinda wanted to mention that. If it is already then I didn't know because I haven't been on a server being bloodbent and in the avatar state at the same time lol


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Uhm nope: you said "bloodbending didn't do damage" if your talking about the plugin then it's un-realistic, if you're talking about the show, your incorrect.
"we never see Bloodbending hurt the user"

Could you read maybe? Or is that asking too much?


Verified Member
"we never see Bloodbending hurt the user"

Could you read maybe? Or is that asking too much?
(btw ik you aren't talking to me here) But I debunked that statement in like 3 of my replies..
When Yakone tries to kill Aang he has to BloodBend for a significant amount of time and the strain on his body is evident.
The heart loss imitates strain on the body, which is why after taking a certain amount of hearts (strain on body) you can no longer do it.
Now, as you get closer and closer to a full moon the hearts will tick slower and slower until, on a full moon, you will no longer take ticking damage from BloodBending. This only applies during a full moon, and all other effects still apply.
(This also imitates how your bending strengthens, or in this case become ' easier ' as the moon phase moves closer to Full Moon status where you'll be your strongest and won't take damage.
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