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Complete Bending Events

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Verified Member
Ok, so people have been discussing this sort of thing throughout the forums, so I thought I'd make a nice post for it, so we are all on the same page about it.

Day of Black Sun/The Red Moon: So obviously this day there is a 'black sun' or a solar eclipse. Alternatively there are the nights without the moon (lunar eclipse). What would happen during either of these, the bending would either be greatly reduced for that night/day, or completely unusable.
Full Moon: So as most people know, as of v1.2.0 when the full moon rises, waterbenders get a boost that is something you can change in the configuration.
Sozin's Comet: There has been a lot of buzz about this throughout the forums. I think it would be best to have an optional cycle of it (every X days), where you can set how many MC days between each comet passing, or have the ability to toggle it along with the ability to change what the boost factor is.

New Command: With all of these events, I think there should be an admin only command. With this command you could trigger any one of these events above with something along the lines of
/projectkorra event <EVENT> In the 'EVENT' argument you could place 'SozinsComet', 'FullMoon', 'BlackSun', or 'RedMoon'. All could have aliases such as SC, FM, BS, RM etc. With this command servers could host fun events where a certain element could obtain a boost. The command could also stop an event while it is happening by simply using /b event <EVENT>, then it would remove the factor.

Note: I realize some of this might not be possible to do, but I just wanted to throw the ideas out there.

Please leave a comment below on what you think of the ideas. Thank you for reading!
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Verified Member
I don't like eclipses at all, but if we are going to have a Solar Eclipse, you better have a lunar eclipse too. We need a comet, does not have to be Sozin's. The eclipses might only go on for 5 minutes, like in real life and the show. But the Minecraft equivalent of that is way to short, so defiantly not the Minecraft equivalent.


God Tier Member
Verified Member
I don't like eclipses at all, but if we are going to have a Solar Eclipse, you better have a lunar eclipse too. We need a comet, does not have to be Sozin's. The eclipses might only go on for 5 minutes, like in real life and the show. But the Minecraft equivalent of that is way to short, so defiantly not the Minecraft equivalent.
Why wouldn't it be Sozin's? That's what it is called in show.


Verified Member
Can you add the Winter and Summer Solstices for the Spirits plugin? Or, you know, just Solstice, seeing as how Minecraft doesn't have seasons anymore.
Where regular people can become trapped in the spirit world when the two worlds overlap
And by trapped I mean just use /spawn to leave but it'd be their chance to cross over into it.
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Can you add the Winter and Summer Solstices for the Spirits plugin? Or, you know, just Solstice, seeing as how Minecraft doesn't have seasons anymore.
Where regular people can become trapped in the spirit world when the two worlds overlap
And by trapped I mean just use /spawn to leave but it'd be their chance to cross over into it.
Since Spirits have had the ability mentioned of holding crouch and going to the spirit world/physical world as they so wish, maybe this feature isn't entirely neccesary? Though I sorta like it


Verified Member
I'm referring to the people that aren't spirits. They can't really travel freely between the two worlds without going to one of the poles or meditating into it, the latter making bending unusable.


Well yeah. How else do they get to the spirit world? We can't add stuff on compared to the show.

One thing though.

I highly doubt many bending servers use a TLA map as their main world map, so most places will have no poles to put portals at. So I can see a frequent usage of portals being placed everywhere for the spirit world/physical world being possible.


Verified Member
Well yeah. How else do they get to the spirit world? We can't add stuff on compared to the show.

One thing though.

I highly doubt many bending servers use a TLA map as their main world map, so most places will have no poles to put portals at. So I can see a frequent usage of portals being placed everywhere for the spirit world/physical world being possible.
(Not trying to advertise or anything) My server uses a custom avatar world map and it would be able to have spirit portals at the poles. It already does, but its just beacons and command blocks so nothing official.


Verified Member
I honestly don't see the need for the eclipses, but might as well add them in I guess since they were in the show.

The other events sound good to me.


Verified Member
I'd like there to be some events involving earth and air, but nothing like that was in the shown. But something you could add is Harmonic Convergence, but that's a spirit plugin thing.


Verified Member
I like these ideas. they are innovative, and downright cool. of course, i'd hate to lose my bending during a lunar eclipse (I kinda rely on it to fight mobs at night) but it would still be cool. plus, solar eclipses would balance it out.
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