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Avatars & Passives

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Verified Member
I'm not 100% sure if every server out there has this issue but I figured I would post this and get some feedback.
As it is right now Avatars get a lot of free passives just for being avatars.

For example If you are an avatar and "can" bend air you receive the full benefits of being an airbender such as reduced hunger and zero fall damage constantly. This takes effect regardless of if you have any air moves bound. Likewise if an avatar has access to chi-blocking and you're close enough to get punched then there is a chance that your chi will be blocked even if they had blaze bound (and no chi moves)..

What I am proposing is that to receive any passives or bonus' from a specific element, an avatar should be required to at least have one move of that element bound.

The way I look at it is if the avatar isn't actively using that element they should not receive the passive bonus' for that element. I'm not sure how it is everywhere else but rarely does an avatar have skills from all 4 elements bound on our server.

This can be solved with a couple checks in the code (which if this idea receives positive support I will submit for the community). Thus far Here are the "rules" I have developed.

For chi to ever be blocked or to receive other chi-passives the bender must meet the following criteria.
1) Have at least one Chi-Blocking Moves Bound
2) NOT be attacking with another bending type. (Meaning if blaze is selected and you are within punching range there is a zero percent chance you will also be chi-blocked)

Earth Passives:
To enjoy zero fall damage the bender must meet the following criteria.
1) Have at least one earth move bound.

Air Passives:
To receive speed/jump boost/reduced hunger and no fall damage the bender must meet the following criteria.
1) Have at least one air move bound.

To fast swim / receive the night augment messages the bender must:
1) have at least one water move bound

The end goal here is balance after all. So if there are other specific things that should be added please comment and let me know.

Likewise if you love / hate this idea let me know before I worry about making the code public.


Verified Member
I agree that if an Avatar is not actively using an element, they should not get that element's passives.


Verified Member
Isn't this what the servers them selfs decide? I like the concept though
Short of just completely blocking avatars or multi type benders from having the passives in question at all.. Server owners do not have any other options, as it is not possible via the current config file or permissions..

I mean you could just take away chi.passive from avatars completely but this would negate all their chi passives even if they were using a chi move.

The solution I was proposing would still allow avatars to access those passives long as they actively have a skill of that element type bound. (except fo blocking chi) It really makes no sense for an avatar to hit you with a fireblast and simultaneously chi-block you in my opinion. The forms and moves required to do these look very different in the show.


Verified Member
In essence, using the passive itself is using the element isn't it? That could be the very reason that a player got/worked to get avatar. I for one would use the air passive and only use watermoves, but specifically have avatar just so I can't be pulled out of the water into the air to fall to my death by pesky airbenders. Without the passive, it'd be rather silly to have paid/worked for something that you can't use without having a move that you feel would be a waste bound. For example, if an avatar doesn't want to use any air move except for a passive, they should be allowed to do so, if they don't want to waste a slot to keep the passive that is.


Verified Member
That's precisely the point of this thread to weigh the pro's and cons of being able to do just that. Avatars having access to each element makes them at least 4 times more versatile than a single bender. Then handing them all four passives further makes them more powerful. As the number of skills continue to go up so does an avatar's options for what to include at their arsenal. Including metal bending and lava bending neither of which past avatars / current have just "known". As it is now avatars in the minecraft world are granted these just because they can bend earth, this trend will continue as more sub elements are added.

Thus an airbender who became an avatar would be granted all forms of lava bending just because they learned earth... While im not suggesting here avatars shouldn't get sub elements (thats a topic for another thread) The 4 passives are a bit much.

On our server we have more passives than just the stock ones. Water benders cannot drown, and fire benders can simply walk over lava without falling in their heat control is tied into their passives creating an obsidian platform as they walk, or one under them if they happen to slip and fall. So again as the number of skills / passives go up avatars get infinitely more powerful.

This could always be done with the inclusion of a configuration option that would either block passives as described above or leave them as they currently are:

GrantPassivesOnlyIfElementIsBound: true/false


Verified Member
I believe this suggestion is completely fair and completely logical. If one were to look at it realistically this would equate to one not simply possessing certain passive capabilities of their element simply from being (born) a bender; they would need to learn and practise their bending art to receive such privileges.


Verified Member
That's precisely the point of this thread to weigh the pro's and cons of being able to do just that. Avatars having access to each element makes them at least 4 times more versatile than a single bender. Then handing them all four passives further makes them more powerful. As the number of skills continue to go up so does an avatar's options for what to include at their arsenal. Including metal bending and lava bending neither of which past avatars / current have just "known". As it is now avatars in the minecraft world are granted these just because they can bend earth, this trend will continue as more sub elements are added.

Thus an airbender who became an avatar would be granted all forms of lava bending just because they learned earth... While im not suggesting here avatars shouldn't get sub elements (thats a topic for another thread) The 4 passives are a bit much.

On our server we have more passives than just the stock ones. Water benders cannot drown, and fire benders can simply walk over lava without falling in their heat control is tied into their passives creating an obsidian platform as they walk, or one under them if they happen to slip and fall. So again as the number of skills / passives go up avatars get infinitely more powerful.

This could always be done with the inclusion of a configuration option that would either block passives as described above or leave them as they currently are:

GrantPassivesOnlyIfElementIsBound: true/false
Avatars learning sub-elements is really a server option, configurable with various permissions.


Verified Member
Avatars learning sub-elements is really a server option, configurable with various permissions.
That wasn't really the scope of this post.. The point being is avatars getting all passives granted regardless of them using the element. Ie no fall damage from the air passive when they have only fire moves bound.

That is something that currently isn't configurable via permissions as it would change based on what the player had bound.
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