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AvatarCombo: BreathBurn

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Name: BreathBurn
Element: fire/breath
How used: [l-click] (suffocate) > [hold shift] heatcontrol
Description: this combo focuses on the opponents breath, and then makes it scorching hot around their mouth/nose so that they can't breath, and this would act like hot sauce in cartoons, setting the victim on fire until they have escaped the range of the move. Doesn't work if the target is standing water obviously. This would also take down their hunger bar indicating that they need to drink or eat. This is so because when the breath becomes scorching hot, it dries up any moisture really fast. This would cause the target to become somewhat dehydrated, and the best way to show it is by taking down some hunger.


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Got a suggestion for it? This was the best I could come up with for this move.


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As far as I know, I never seen or heard firebenders being able to create fire remotely. They Pretty much can create fire no far than 3 inches away from their hands and feet. So the player will have to be up close to the player to start heating their breath or burning it with the actual fire.

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
I don't like it... It seems like a forced fusion of two moves.
As far as I know, I never seen or heard firebenders being able to create fire remotely. They Pretty much can create fire no far than 3 inches away from their hands and feet. So the player will have to be up close to the player to start heating their breath or burning it with the actual fire.
Also, if the Avatar is just heating the breath of the opponent, only Firebending is being used (?).


Verified Member
Im kind of iffy on this suggestion. The idea of "burning" someones breath to the point where they are "dehydrated" is more of a saliva problem than a heat problem. And the idea of making a persons breath burning is just stupid. If you have the power to heat the air around you (which is basically combustion-bending), just make them "ignite" or make the air around them explode. I know this is looking into, but this really doesn't make much sense. Since this is technically a combustion thing, it's technically a normal ability, not an avatar ability.


Verified Member
Indeed, @Hero. Exploding is more potential and effective than heating up the player's breath. Even with that, it's worthless in coding it, because combustion offers the same effect.
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