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Denied Avatar Elemental Sphere

Should this be an ability?

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Verified Member
As seen in Avatar Aang's fight with Ozai, and by Avatar Wan to imprison Vaatu , The Elemental Sphere is an Avatar only ability, for obvious reason.

What it can do: For Elemental Sphere, there should be two modes. Where one surrounds the avatar, and one where it imprisons another player. It creates a air sphere(similar to air shield) with the other three elements wrapped around it(similar to how torrent wraps around the player)

How to use: While in avatar state, activate the ability. It is toggle, so you may change your slot. T0 activate(be on the ability slot) and hold shift to create the air sphere, the surround blocks will automatically get sucked in.

(Idea) When this ability is activated, the basic bending abilities (e.g earth blast, torrent, air wipe) will be bound to slots 1-4 (all configurable of course). This is to limit its power, so say Raise Earth can't be used.

Mode one: The elemental sphere surrounds the avatar with the other three elements
following. By default, it should allow the basic attacks, e.g water manipulation

Mode two: The elemental sphere surrounds another player, lifting them in the air. After that, the avatar can control the direction of the captured player, and even send them flying.

It's very OP: Yes, this ability is very over powered, which is why it sound have these nerfs. The captured player can break out, by either hitting the avatar, or by having another player hit the elemental sphere.
*Also open to suggestions


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Verified Member
This could be implemented with the spirits plugin (coming out soon) to imprison other players for a small amount of time (like a static imprisonment so they cant break out for i guess 1 minute?)


Verified Member
I like this idea. As input, I think this ability should only be usable in the Avatar State considering it's a very over powered ability. I also think that the avatar using this ability should be able to use torrent without selecting a source and without having to charge it, and that the avatar should be able to use earthblast (or even better, earthsmash) without selecting a source. This is because the avatar already has these elements surrounding him/her.
I also think that they should only be able to use the ability when they are 10 blocks away from an earth and water source at most.

I really like this idea, hopefully it will be added!


Verified Member
Oooh idea! U can only use torrent, earthblast, fireblast, and airswipe while in the elemental sphere, and like ninja said, you have to be within 10 blocks of earth and water in order to make the elemental sphere. If you use torrent while in the elemental sphere it will remove your water ring (it'll launch it actually) at where you clicked, and when it hit it's target or whatever the whole stream of water will return and re-form the sphere.


Verified Member
The biggest problem with this is getting it to look decent. Instead of actual earth blocks circling the player maybe the the particles you see when breaking blocks can be used.

If this can be pulled off, this would be a great addition. If only there was a way to speed up flight as seen in the ATLA finale.


Verified Member
I understand what your saying. I think the coder(if they attempt this) will have the most difficulty with the earth part. The air and water parts of the sphere are basically the same as other abilities. I think particles for the earth part would be best, due to lag issues. Plus that in the show each element is at a different slant, that may be difficult.
If a coder gave their opinion of whether or not it is do able, I would be much obliged.


Verified Member
I actually tried doing a sphere when I was an avatar, infinite firejet worked with infinite airshield, but using torrent would break the shield. But, my god, I discovered the best combo ever. Channeling torrent whilst firejetting around is the best thing ever.


Staff member
This suggestion has been denied because it will be impossible to implement in a clean enough manner to make it look nice and not kill servers.
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