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Avatar "ability" [1]

Would this be a nice avatar move?

  • No, but maybe with some changes it could be good.

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I agree with you about holding sneak to enter the avatar state, it gives a greater impact. If I were holding sneak it would feel more like I'm channeling my past lives and evoking the avatar state, as opposed to throwing a punch. XD
IKRXD I have anothe idea for avatar tho:3 I'll make a post for it.


Verified Member
I disagree because often time, fully realized Avatars can go in it instantly, and leave it instantly.
I think it shuold be possible to hold shift to activate it, but with a separate perm, you can just left click to activate it. That way Avatars have a choice.
Oh no, I should've actually been clearer in my statement; I agree with you too. TAPPING sneak would be a nice effect - just the sneak in general. I was focusing on the realistic effect holding sneak would give for me personally. Avatar State can be induced instantly for avatars that have mastered it, so I think instant activation is a given.


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The name Element(al)Storm popped into my head and I'm kind of digging it. What does anything else think of it?


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*sigh* Okay, as much as it pains me to say, I don't think there should be two tornado abilities in the AvatarCombo. Do you think there's any way you could adapt this to function slightly differently (I came up with a suggestion for that myself, but I want to know if you have any ideas for your ability)?
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