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With 1.13 version coming its way to vanilla minecraft, a see a lot of possibilities integrating features that involve waterbending well. Such as.
New Water Physics
New Water Physics
- Allowing water to be bend from and through iron bars, wooden fences, stone walls, glass panes (If positioned straight and semi-obscured).
- Opens up possibilities for builders to build let's say a grate on the ground with water just below iron bar floor in arena or claimed-settled area for the disposal for utilization of water bending.
- This throws me back to season 1 of the very first episode of TLA and when waterbending was displayed for the very first time: Katara, still a noob at waterbending, tried and successfully attempted to capture a fish with her bending abilities.
- A technique could be implemented for watermanipulation, where using in reverse allows to capture a wish and encompass it in a shape ball of water which allows telekinetically to be moved around by the bender.
- Not that it would make of a difference in gameplay (as there's plenty of bendable source where it's located), but it would add nice touch If it were added to the functional list as of a waterbendable plant source.
- Since squids can now release ink (in a form of new particle type), this addition could be taken in advantage for incorporating ink sac to function similar to bottlebending (with a difference of item running out disappearing after one used) when a waterbender uses the said item as a source for their waterbending and those particles would be bent instead based on that criteria rather than the typical liquid.
- Perhaps incorporated into a maelstrom alike ability or somewhere else for waterbending.