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Denied Another New avatar ability

Should this move be an entirely separate move, or another part of the move avatarstate?

  • Separate move

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Another part of avatarstate

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Plugin Developer
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So while I was looking around I thought of this, and I also couldn't find anything on it. So yeah, if you find something like it, leave a link here for me so I can check it out. I also don't know of any name given to this move. In the northern watertribe when Aang is learning waterbending from the water master there (don't know his name atm, and don't wanna look it up) and the city is attacked he bends most of the water from throughout the city into one giant, water creature type thing. My suggestion is that if the avatar wants to, the player can go into a big mass of water and use the move to turn into a giant creature that can whip a stuff, use a water surge to knock other benders back, and also as a defense, the bottom like 5 blocks are ice (or packed ice so it cannot be melted) so that waterbenders can't just swim up into the creature form. It would be like 15 blocks tall, a circle at the bottom with a radius of 8.5 and goes inward the higher it gets, to where the radius is only like 1.5 or 2.5. The whips would be torrent like, the surge would be surge, and then maybe some other moves. Also where the water creature glows on it's head type thing could be ice so it at least looks different. Just like the last move I suggested, this could be either an entirely separate move, or just another part of the avatar state. So I have the same question for you again. Thanks for reading another quite long ability.


Verified Member
would be cool though. Imagine adding it to the spirits mod. Like some entities that are a moving ball of water or some nonsense.
Him being dead wrong about understanding what was going on doesnt make it a bad idea.


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This would be hard to make it look even decent in MC, would create more lag than it is worth, and is ridiculously OP.
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