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AirStream Animation Redesign

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Verified Member
AirShield (Hold Sneak) >> [Now when switching to whatever bind that isn't an airsuction, the shield's animation will stay, but slowly it will dissapate as time goes pass. However, this won't give you any protection. In order to remove it immediately, you can move forward/elsewhere a little and this fx will disappear in a mili second >> AirSuction (Left Click) [same as I said for switching to other bind, except with this it will stay forever unless you execute smth with this ability] >> [once left click, the bottom point will be pulled outwards from the user in a rope form, shrinking the spiraling "shield" down as if you were to pull out all yarn of a twined cylinder.] AirBlast (Left Click) >> [thickens it more]

Another option could be for the replacement of above, is the scene from canon shown. Creating Airshield then switching to another dissapates as I said earlier. Switching to Airsuction however will create the torrent-ish ring as seen in the gif. Clicking will send the whole torrent to slither away in a line across the air. Switching to AirBlast and left clicking will cause it to straight away appear in front of the target and go around him/her.


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I just want to say that it really triggers me that you opened a "[" but never closed it.


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Marked as approved.

The way AirStream is right now isn't canon and we can make it look exactly how it is in the gif.


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Marked as approved.

The way AirStream is right now isn't canon and we can make it look exactly how it is in the gif.
Create special for you, Loony!
1) It is AirSteam!

2) It is AirStream or Twister, lol.
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