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Element: Air, not earth like a bunch of you probably thought it was going to be. :p
Move: Airshield, this will be a slight buff.
Buff: you should be able to click with Airshield like fireshield. And let's make it so that Airshield shift defends against fireburst, but at the same time causes the air bender to have knockback. To balance that a bit, to cause air benders not to go over fire, Airshield shift should put out fire it goes over. There could be a clone of firewall called airbarrier, but enough clones for one post.


Verified Member
So basically take a unique move and make it similar to an existing move?
No, they are already very alike already. Airbending is all about mobility, to never stop moving. It is not reflected well, having to stop and slow down to just stop a simple move. This will reflect it better. Perhaps it is less like a shield and more like a sideways airswipe that redirects the move. Just try to keep with the culture of airbenders.


No, they are already very alike already. Airbending is all about mobility, to never stop moving. It is not reflected well, having to stop and slow down to just stop a simple move. This will reflect it better. Perhaps it is less like a shield and more like a sideways airswipe that redirects the move. Just try to keep with the culture of airbenders.
Very sound reasoning, terrible execution ;-;

I would say a best solution here is clicking produces a small sphere of protective air around you, that lasts maybe 3s, but a permanent shield requires the current crouch method.


Verified Member
Very sound reasoning, terrible execution ;-;

I would say a best solution here is clicking produces a small sphere of protective air around you, that lasts maybe 3s, but a permanent shield requires the current crouch method.
Not a bad idea, but I just thought there should be some skill involved with airbending. Guess not.


Verified Member
Don't really care if this is necroposting or not, but I think this should be considered more

I don't think it's unreasonable that an airbender should be able to create basically a more defensive left-click fireshield. I'm against making a giant sphere upon left click, because despite what people say, Airshield is amazing for defending against the elements, despite you stopping at one point. (Nowadays, Airshield practically blocks every weak attack, even blaze and an earthblast)
I do think that if Airshield gets the left-click version that fireshield has, it should have a cooldown, since I imagine it'd be able to block some things.


Verified Member
It's not like you expect to see an airbender just creating a shield, and poof, they can do whatever they want. While the shield is self-sustain without the user focus and sustaining their physical position, they can take their time and wait till the shield dissolves. At the mean time - the airbender could take their time reading a book or doing their manicure on the chair the nomad is sitting, which they bought from the local mallwart that isn't very far away, while the opponent was and still is at the mean distracted by the campers shield that (s)he is trying to break free or destroy it. Same logic which I don't get from the fireshield (unless someone can brighten me up how it can also become self-stain)


Verified Member
It's not like you expect to see an airbender just creating a shield, and poof, they can do whatever they want. While the shield is self-sustain without the user focus and sustaining their physical position, they can take their time and wait till the shield dissolves. At the mean time - the airbender could take their time reading a book or doing their manicure on the chair the nomad is sitting, which they bought from the local mallwart that isn't very far away, while the opponent was and still is at the mean distracted by the campers shield that (s)he is trying to break free or destroy it. Same logic which I don't get from the fireshield (unless someone can brighten me up how it can also become self-stain)
Ah, So you are new here.
Somebody tell him why it is implausible to make the Minecraft Player Character act out Martial Arts Moves through only Plugins.
Or maybe you just don't know that you are supposed to suggest things like this in your own thread.
Do I need to guide you through the process of creating a thread?
In any case, just try to make it in the right part of the forums and with decent formatting.


Verified Member
First off, I know how to make a thread. You can check how many threads I had made in this forum. In a way it is possible to make the plugin act out Martial Arts Movements with the corresponding plugin, by it detecting cursor location and trajectory, and with the help shift and other keys that would expand it, but why this should be relative in this discussion? Clarifying my previous question, I meant why it should be possible in a practical way, not the technical. I had never seen an airbender or firebender make this type of shields that stay without bending them, but of course proof me wrong by giving visual reference, as it was a long time when I had watch the whole episodes from both franchises and I now I could have forgetten some scenes involving this function.


Verified Member
I had never seen an airbender or firebender make this type of shields that stay without bending them, but of course proof me wrong by giving visual reference, as it was a long time when I had watch the whole episodes from both franchises and I now I could have forgetten some scenes involving this function.
Firebenders have to keep manually left clicking for fireshield to stay alive, and the sneak fireshield doesn't really block a lot. Sneaking, in a way, is a sign of concentration in bending, as for it's used to keep moves active, or to charge up moves.


Verified Member
First off, I know how to make a thread. You can check how many threads I had made in this forum. In a way it is possible to make the plugin act out Martial Arts Movements with the corresponding plugin, by it detecting cursor location and trajectory, and with the help shift and other keys that would expand it, but why this should be relative in this discussion? Clarifying my previous question, I meant why it should be possible in a practical way, not the technical. I had never seen an airbender or firebender make this type of shields that stay without bending them, but of course proof me wrong by giving visual reference, as it was a long time when I had watch the whole episodes from both franchises and I now I could have forgetten some scenes involving this function.
You joined Projeckorra this year, specifically on February 24, 2016.
I joined Projectkorra almost two years before this time, specifically August 19, 2014.
Are you still going to brag about you creating a lot of threads? Here is a hint, if you want to be taken as a serious member of this community, get a Avatar. It helps you build up a reputation by being more memorable.
Again, if you are suggesting a change in the plugin, don't suggest it on another suggestion. Suggest it in a thread of your own creation.
If you can't even see why this is a Newbie Mistake, then you are a Newbie.
Don't suggest a change to the Fireshield Move on another suggestion about adding a function to the Airshield function, just because they are on similar topics.
Now, if this was about Airshield by itself, and directly related to adding a function onto airshield, you should probably post that on that thread.
But it isn't. Your suggestion warrants a thread, as it is about changing the already existing mechanics of Fireshield and Airshield, as opposed to adding a function to airshield.
Make. Your. Own. Thread. It is a common courtesy that people don't suggest things that they hear other people suggest.
In any case, this thread is being looked into on the basis that it was suggested. Whether it is denied is of little consequence to me, but if you need an example of a suggestion to be added onto a thread like this, or maybe just a topic that can be introduced without fear, I will give you one of each. A Decent Suggestion would be that you should be able to toggle this feature on airshield. A decent argument would be that this would make airbenders too overpowered, although an argument like that is pretty inconsequential once it is being looked into.


Verified Member
Ok, pal. Sorry for making you believe that I was bragging, which actually I wasn't. You ask for assistant for you to guide me how to create a thread, I told you I don't need it and that I already have made threads before, proofing with the evidence that I gave you.

I gave you my criticism as to so why Airbenders shouldn't have of the same left click variation as FireShield. I wasn't suggesting any change. I just pointed a flaw of what fireshield currently has AND airshield would have, where both of these abilities share the same issue so I had to brought the counterpart element to this discussion. I see no reason for me to make a suggestion for.... ignoring and discarding yours? That's kinda of a stupid thing to do.


Verified Member
Ok, pal. Sorry for making you believe that I was bragging, which actually I wasn't. You ask for assistant for you to guide me how to create a thread, I told you I don't need it and that I already have made threads before, proofing with the evidence that I gave you.

I gave you my criticism as to so why Airbenders shouldn't have of the same left click variation as FireShield. I wasn't suggesting any change. I just pointed a flaw of what fireshield currently has AND airshield would have, where both of these abilities share the same issue so I had to brought the counterpart element to this discussion. I see no reason for me to make a suggestion for.... ignoring and discarding yours? That's kinda of a stupid thing to do.
"It's not like you expect to see an airbender just creating a shield, and poof, they can do whatever they want. While the shield is self-sustain without the user focus and sustaining their physical position, they can take their time and wait till the shield dissolves. At the mean time - the airbender could take their time reading a book or doing their manicure on the chair the nomad is sitting, which they bought from the local mallwart that isn't very far away, while the opponent was and still is at the mean distracted by the campers shield that (s)he is trying to break free or destroy it. Same logic which I don't get from the fireshield"
This is completely separate from
"you should be able to click with Airshield like fireshield. And let's make it so that Airshield shift defends against fireburst, but at the same time causes the air bender to have knockback. To balance that a bit, to cause air benders not to go over fire, Airshield shift should put out fire it goes over. There could be a clone of firewall called airbarrier, but enough clones for one post."
This is what I am talking about. Make a suggestion if you want those changes made.


Verified Member
That was just my rant, again, not a suggestion.

"you should be able to click with Airshield like fireshield." And I say no, by the following reason you just quoted from me.

Reminder of the reason:
"It's not like you expect to see an airbender just creating a shield, and poof, they can do whatever they want. While the shield is self-sustain without the user focus and sustaining their physical position, they can take their time and wait till the shield dissolves. At the mean time - the airbender could take their time reading a book or doing their manicure on the chair the nomad is sitting, which they bought from the local mallwart that isn't very far away, while the opponent was and still is at the mean distracted by the campers shield that (s)he is trying to break free or destroy it. Same logic which I don't get from the fireshield"


Verified Member
That was just my rant, again, not a suggestion.

"you should be able to click with Airshield like fireshield." And I say no, by the following reason you just quoted from me.

Reminder of the reason:

Could you not quote me saying something you said?
1. That is a separate suggestion.
2. That has already been refuted.
Firebenders have to keep manually left clicking for fireshield to stay alive, and the sneak fireshield doesn't really block a lot. Sneaking, in a way, is a sign of concentration in bending, as for it's used to keep moves active, or to charge up moves.
Not even by myself.
Your argument?
You keep on repeating the same argument.


Verified Member
Could you not quote me saying something you said?
Could you stop accusing me of me shoving my suggestion in your thread?

You requested that AirShield needs a click, alike the one that FireShield. I'd say that AirShield and bending in general doesn't work like that.
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Verified Member
Could you accusing me of me shoving my suggestion in your thread?

You requested that AirShield needs a click, alike the one that FireShield. I'd say that AirShield and bending in general doesn't work like that.
Ah, so you think you can get people to redo this plugin as a whole on your whim, I suppose that would be an example of Delusions of Grandeur. Don't worry, we all have them at some point.


Verified Member
I only gave you a criticism on why left click shouldn't be a feature. I wasn't demanding you to remove it out of your post.
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