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Denied Airbending move - spiritual projection

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Verified Member
During season 3 jinora was able to exit out of her body at will. So i thought what if in minecraft, when you use the move by holding shift, you automatically exit your body and go into spectator mode. But your body is still in place until you stop holding shift. I'm not sure if thats possible to do or if you can see your player while in spectator mode. But i thought it would be pretty handy when your in combat and you want to search for a play or something.
upload_2015-1-6_21-41-53.png please comment on what you think and if there is anything that i can improve or if i got something mistaken or wrong.


Verified Member


Verified Member
I mean it's not like your exactly being helpful by being rude about it @owlcool , Just chill okay?.
Atleast lolbro was helpful enough to suggest something, I would hope they would check next time but even if they don't a helpful nudge is the best way to go.
I think that it was very nice of you to suggest something @lolbro, Just make sure it isn't suggested next time okay? c:


Verified Member
I mean it's not like your exactly being helpful by being rude about it @owlcool , Just chill okay?.
Atleast lolbro was helpful enough to suggest something, I would hope they would check next time but even if they don't a helpful nudge is the best way to go.
I think that it was very nice of you to suggest something @lolbro, Just make sure it isn't suggested next time okay? c:


Staff member
Suggestion denied as it has been suggested on numerous occasions before (and it is marked as Looking Into)

Thanks for the suggestion nonetheless!
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