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Complete Airbending; flight

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Going back to what Sky said, it can only be activated if you have full health/nothing in your inventory or you're not wearing any form of armor. This would basically mean you have no earthly possessions, except your bending which stays with you.

Aside from that drawback of it, you also have the large cooldown, and if you're hit while flying you lose concentration for the move falling back to earth. This would be a great addition for 1.5.0 O:


Verified Member
I thought it was more like:
Air = Flight (2 benders)
Water = Blood (5 benders [2 Psychic])
Earth = Lava (2 benders [excluding avatars])
Fire = Combustion (2 benders)

I personally would enjoy this idea, I had previously suggested requiring an empty inventory.
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Verified Member
Well..noting all special abilities specific to benders..you have(listing things from PK/not in PK yet);

Fire = Combustion/Lightning/(Blue Fire?)
Water = Blood/(Plant?)
Earth = Metal/Lava/(Sand?)
Air = Flight

Noting those as all the things benders can do aside from their normal element, Air really has nothing going for them.


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Maybe when you choose airbending, this would be a 1/50,000 or a 1/25,000 chance that the airbender would receice the move Flight. Now, I know you might say a noob would come on and be very lucky, and obtain the move. I was thinking you would not know you have this move until you've killed like 250 people on the server, proving that you are strong and are on a lot. If you were lucky, you're 250 kill would say something like "You let go of your earthly tender and fly away." enabling the Flight move, after that you would have to bind it and click again to use it.
That's where you verge into RPG territory


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Metal and lightning and healing may be powerful sub-elements, but they have been heavily expanded on to the point where there isn't a specific amount of them that can be determined.


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Metal and lightning and healing may be powerful sub-elements, but they have been heavily expanded on to the point where there isn't a specific amount of them that can be determined.
Healing! That was the other one I was thinking about, but yeah. Aside from opening iron doors I don't think Metalbending can do all that much, that's why earth still has lava.

Lightning is a strong move on its own lol

Air is poop, Suffocate good as it may be, is hard to land and is still pretty hard to keep up.


Verified Member
To be honest, it's disapointing that the sub element for air is weightlessness. I myself was sure that the sub element would be something cooler like being able to manipulate sound waves by vibrating the air or something like that. Air should be able to use this move in project korra after we were deprived of a legitmate sub element.


Verified Member
Weightlessness is pretty badass lol Imagine the power you would have if you were the Avatar! Flying around while shooting fire, water, air, and other elements at people from the sky.


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Weightlessness is pretty badass lol Imagine the power you would have if you were the Avatar! Flying around while shooting fire, water, air, and other elements at people from the sky.
Thats if you're the avatar. Most air benders are not so lucky or have already been an avatar. It would basically be a glorified air spout if a non-avatar used it.


Verified Member
Thats if you're the avatar. Most air benders are not so lucky or have already been an avatar. It would basically be a glorified air spout if a non-avatar used it.
True, but if in the right airbenders arsenal..they would be pretty op fighting normal airbenders or other benders..unless hit of course then they have to re-adjust their strategy.


Verified Member
True, but if in the right airbenders arsenal..they would be pretty op fighting normal airbenders or other benders..unless hit of course then they have to re-adjust their strategy.
Maybe instead of making it an ability, it would a passive that the air bender would always have. I mean, the air bender was picked by the server owner and recognized for their skill and mastery of the element. When Guru Laghima entered the void and acheived weightlessness, it was told that he never touched the ground again. As a buff to this though, flying would cause you to lose hunger at a faster rate and the air bender could be able to hold up to five items in their inventory before they get weighed down. You can also set a height limit and make them fly slightly slower than the creative flight speed.


Verified Member
I'm just really hoping this ability makes it into 1.5.0 Weather the way you described or the way that has been described on the last page as well as this one. It would just make airbenders that much cooler.


Verified Member
To be honest, it's disapointing that the sub element for air is weightlessness. I myself was sure that the sub element would be something cooler like being able to manipulate sound waves by vibrating the air or something like that. Air should be able to use this move in project korra after we were deprived of a legitmate sub element.
Astral Projection...


Verified Member
Astral Projection...
Astral projection isnt exactly air's sub element. They arent bending anything. Instead, it is them being able to project their spirirt after they have obtained a strong spiritual connection. Technically, if someone really put their time and effort into it, they could also use this move.


Verified Member
Astral projection isnt exactly air's sub element. They arent bending anything. Instead, it is them being able to project their spirirt after they have obtained a strong spiritual connection. Technically, if someone really put their time and effort into it, they could also use this move.
No, Jinora clearly states it's a high level airbending technique with a little bit of spiritual stuff thrown in.


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No, Jinora clearly states it's a high level airbending technique with a little bit of spiritual stuff thrown in.
She calls it an air technique because mainly only air benders would be able to achieve such a high spiritual level. Air benders are the most in-tuned with the spirits besides the avatar but that doesn't mean that some other bender or monk or guru who spends their life in meditation and focuses a majority if their time interacting with spirits cant achieve it. In short, its a high level of spiritual training that is easier(but still very difficult) for airbenders to reach unlike benders and non benders but not impossible for other benders


Verified Member
She calls it an air technique because mainly only air benders would be able to achieve such a high spiritual level. Air benders are the most in-tuned with the spirits besides the avatar but that doesn't mean that some other bender or monk or guru who spends their life in meditation and focuses a majority if their time interacting with spirits cant achieve it. In short, its a high level of spiritual training that is easier(but still very difficult) for airbenders to reach unlike benders and non benders but not impossible for other benders
Giving airbenders the ability to use spirit projection wouldn't be too far-fetched for this plugin. Airbenders currently have reduced hunger in our plugin, which technically anyone could do but it's an air nomad thing because of their upbringing. The same thing could be said about most spiritual things.
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