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Air Mobility

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New Member
What happened to air mobility?

What happened to airbubble? In the past, to activate airbubble you only had to be hovering on that slot and it would switch on. Now it's on a toggle and you have to hold the crouch key to activate this power. I don't know if a player can change this, but it is bad because you can barely move with it on! You are reduced to this tiny crawl as you trudge around underwater which makes the move unenjoyable and redundant. Throw out the toggle and give us back the days of skipping along merrily on the seabed.

Second victim = Airscooter
Airscooter has always had it's ups and downs (literally). It was quite a tough move to control and a lot of hard work and effort was put in to make it stable by the developers. The only problem is that it's limited. In the past, the airscooter only cut out when the land was too uneven or you lost control. Now even on flat land, the scooter lamely comes to a halt just after you get going as if you run out of air. Please make the distance unlimited again!

Edit: Third Thing

That ability where if you mashed the spacebar you could hover for a little bit was invaluable. Would suggest implementing its return also, that was awesome.
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Verified Member
Agree with airbubble, the change made it pretty close to useless. I also used to love to use it to take waterbenders on who were camping in a lake-Hover over airbubble and just punch them down-but now impossible.

Airscooter: I'm hoping this is a glitch, but it only lasts about 6 seconds. You can't use it to scale water anymore because it only lasts a few seconds and you'll be stuck air spouting the rest of the way (we actually have to make boats now)

The hover thing was just kind of a glitch that was nice but probably shouldn't be added.
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