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air bending sounds!!! youve gotta to change them PLEASE?!

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Verified Member
the sounds for air bending are SUPER annoying and they are too weird sounding. and the way air bending looks needs to be changed too its too visable.


New Member
the sounds for air bending are SUPER annoying and they are too weird sounding. and the way air bending looks needs to be changed too its too visable.
I cannot help on the sounds, but you can change the air bending particles in the config. the 3 options are:
1) smoke
2) spell
3) blacksmoke

Taiko the Waterbender

Verified Member
I also think ProjectKorra needs a Sound Update, but the plugin doesn't have much material to work with. Maybe with the new Elytra sound effects (present futurely in 1.9.1), Air can have a more realistic effect.
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