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Addition to Earthblast

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xD Cel Dx

Verified Member
Addition to Earthblast

What will the addition do to earthblast: The blast will follow you next to your left shoulder.

How would it be used? : If you would like to catapult, and attack from above or while flying this is the perfect addon.

How would you activate it? : Shift two times on a block instead of one time, and by leftclicking you'd shoot it

Gif for example:
i think you can already do this if you're skilled enough with earthblast as its redirectable via left click could possibly even do it with a few


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I don't understand this, but if Earthbenders are basically allowed to freaking jump around with the tame catapult while shooting earthblasts, that's ridiculous
Odd? Haven't I posted a reply after this comment?! I swear, this is the 3rd time my reply isn't being published on second another thread. Unless, I somehow forget to post them. 0-o

Anywho, after all I think even making it work with only catapult would make this ability very frequent, unlike in the show this would make it not aesthetical for earthbending style, which I certainly don't want to happen in the game. A fair cooldown would solve of this complaint of mine. By cooldown, I don't mean the earthblast technique cooldown should be altered, but the feature of it with the co-operation along catapult instead.


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earthbenders have the potential to be like a firebender with firejet
Yes because flying a piece of rock is defiantly like flying around a person so they can't hit you while you charge a ball of fire that burns and does damage. I can tell this person only likes it when fire is buffed and disregards every other element. Telling Easte that he doesn't know Earthbending is very ironic to me because it appears that you are ignorant about how these elements work. Someone earthbending a rock with them while they are in the air is not the end of the world. It is only one earthblast and I am positive that the PK staff will not release something that has the possibility to be abused.
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