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Add a easy way to make abilities permission only (default on/off)

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Verified Member
At the moment is very difficultly to make groups have certain abilities unlocked whilest not having access to others, if each ability would have the option of: default true/false, where if you do false it can only be used AND seen in the display list by those with permission, that'd be great thanks!


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Plugin Developer
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If you can't set up your own permission groups you shouldn't own/start a server.


Verified Member
just a suggestion, after all you're meant to make it easy for the person using the plugin, look at all the more successful plugins it's because they are easy to use and have awesome results. Either way just a opinion. If you're going to have that sort of attitude then what's the point of this Q and A? By making the default option available the plugin would me more player friendly and would allow servers to have more flexibility over the plugin, i understand your point but if you can make it easier and more diverse i don't see why now. If when making the plugin you are already expecting something from the consumer you're approaching the issue with the wrong foot. Again, my opinion, don't shoot me


Verified Member
Either way back to my issue (not the suggestion), i've added -bending.player for the default rank yet if i add singular ability permissions it won't work so there might be a bug?


Verified Member
i'm making a server where there is a free to play rank ladder of power/influence so the idea is as they increase in rank they become more powerful and gain more abilities, i also think it's more realistic as even in the series people had to train/learn for certain abilities, it adds to the RPG aspect of my server. It's also fun and creates an incentive to "rank up"
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