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Ability works in one axis only


Verified Member
Hello guys !

I am currently trying to use mathematical forumals in my abilities and it works, but only in one axis ;(

I mean, when I trigger the ability and I'm pointing north or east - it's ok, but if not - it is bugging.

This is my progress method (currentPosition is position of the blast and movement is ... Movement):

    public void progress() {
        if (player.isDead() || currentPosition.distance(origin) > 100){
        time ++;
        double sin = Math.sin( time * 0.75 );
        currentPosition.add( movement.setX(sin) );
I would be very grateful if You helped me ;)

Lots of love ;)


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currentPosition.add( movement.setX(sin) );
Well for starters, what does it say here? You are only modifying the x axis, so it kind of makes sense that it will only go one way lol

But as Finn said, what are you trying to do?


Verified Member
Not trying to answer any questions, but I'll make your days harder by asking one myself.
Do you use the sin() curve to do that 'zig zag' kinda motion?


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That's not how sin works.
Anyway, for what you're trying you're gonna have to look into 'rotation', a complex part of particle animations, especially for someone who just started.
I advise to start with something simpler. The simplest thing I can think of that uses sin and cos is a circle. Try making a 2d circle first.
I think he's wanting a sin wave. In which he's on the right track, but he needs it to be realative to his motion vector.

@SkepsonSk I'm not any good at that myself so it's worth checking out that tutorial lol.