Hello all! Another impressive dev build, done completely by our amazing staff. Expect some HUGE news concerning the future of ProjectKorra within the coming days (again, it's huge).
- General Changes
- Added basic death messages.
- There is now a new config for death messages.
- Internal Changes: New ConfigManager class, ConigType, allows for multiple config files. (Will be great for more things we plan to do)
- Various improvements with how we handle configs.
- Added basic death messages.
- Waterbending Changes
- WaterArms Changes
- Fixed WaterArms causing flooding.
- WaterManipulation Changes
- Attempted to fix WaterManipulation water being left behind on occasion. Some blocks may be left, but it is far less than it used to be.
- IceBlast Changes
- Added default cooldown of 1.5 seconds.
- Fixed SOME lag issues and made the ability look and act nicer.
- Added an on collision sound and effect.
- WaterArms Changes
- Earthbending Changes
- Improved Earth Dynamic Sourcing
- If an Earth source could not directly be found then dynamic sourcing will attempt to search for a nearby valid earth block to use instead.
- Fixed a bug that was causing errors with finding distance between worlds.
- EarthSmash Changes
- EarthSmash no longer uses dynamic sourcing.
- EarthSmash was behaving weirdly with dynamic sourcing because it requires the user to release shift to activate the ability, reverted to previous version.
- EarthSmash no longer uses dynamic sourcing.
- New Ability: SandSpout
- Requires the user to have the sandbending subelement.
SandSpout is slower and lower than Air and WaterSpout by default. - Requires the player to be above sand/sandstone to use (like how WaterSpout relies on a Water Source)
- Any players caught in the spout will be dealt small amounts of damage over time and will be blinded from standing in the whirlwind.
- Requires the user to have the sandbending subelement.
- Improved Earth Dynamic Sourcing