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1.6.0 BETA 12


Staff member
Hello all, Jacklin213 and Coolade worked on the features in this Dev Build. Enjoy! Has a major performance improvement, server owners should read the release notes CAREFULLY before upgrading.

  • General Changes
    • A new config option has been added called CacheBlockTime (default 5 seconds). If your server has specific regions that toggle bending off and on multiple times within the span of a few minutes, such as a custom Probending Arena or Agni Kai Arena, you will probably want to keep the CacheBlockTime less than 3 seconds. If you disable bending in an area it will take up to CacheBlockTime to update.
      • If your server does not have any of these areas that constantly deny or allow bending then you should increase the CacheBlockTime to 30 seconds or so.
      • The Block Cache makes it so the server does not have to keep processing the same block multiple times in a row. For example, imagine you used PhaseChange, the block cache will log all of the ice blocks so that it does not have to keep checking if they are bendable blocks. Rather than processing the blocks 20 times asecond, if you set the block cache to 30 seconds then each block will only be checked once every 30 seconds (600x less processing in this case)
    • Removed a leftover broadcast message. The plugin no longer broadcasts "RPG NOT DETECTED"
  • Airbending Changes
    • AirBlast Changes
      • Fixed a severe bug that was causing the plugin to crash.
      • I wont be too specific as to what bug it was here as to ensure it isn't exploited on non-updated servers, but it has to do with the spam of AirBlast in places it shouldn't be spammed.
  • Waterbending Changes
    • OctopusForm - Added an AttackRange variable
      • OctopusForm range was only controlling the distance that a player could stream water from. The AttackRange configuration option changes the punch distance of OctopusForm.
  • Firebending Changes
    • Fixed a NullPointerException in FireBurst
    • Lightning Changes
      • Fixed a NullPointerException in Lightning
      • Fixed Lightning not arcing in Water. (Created when fixing the issue with Lightning passing through walls)
      • Added a simple process cache to speed up performance while checking each individual particle. Previously, the ability was only checking a small portion of the lightning particles. Now it checks every particle to increase precision, consequently, it uses a cache to make sure we aren't wasting processing power.


Staff member
Head Moderator
Verified Member
I can't find the download, under the downloads section, the latest Beta is 11


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Poor Earth. Such non update.
Lol good job on this guys. Dev builds are always fun.


Verified Member
Lightning is in conflict with World Guard 6 Beta 5 !

As Op It Works Perfectly

As Soon As I DE OP Myself, I Hold Sneak, See the Particles But It Does Not Shoot Forward (As If Blocked), Only To Hurt The User.

I Remove World Guard From the Plugins Folder And It Works Perfectly.


Staff member
Lightning is in conflict with World Guard 6 Beta 5 !

As Op It Works Perfectly

As Soon As I DE OP Myself, I Hold Sneak, See the Particles But It Does Not Shoot Forward (As If Blocked), Only To Hurt The User.

I Remove World Guard From the Plugins Folder And It Works Perfectly.
Use the WorldGuard linked on the wiki under Supported Plugins for ProjectKorra (Core). This plugin is made to work with Spigot, which uses a different version of WorldGuard than CraftBukkit does.


Verified Member
Use the WorldGuard linked on the wiki under Supported Plugins for ProjectKorra (Core). This plugin is made to work with Spigot, which uses a different version of WorldGuard than CraftBukkit does.
I am using that version worldguard, and I experience the same issue still. @miguelez23 did you get it working?


Verified Member
No there is something wrong but I don't understand it. As OP it works, as DE-OP it works, But for some reason it still doesn't work for my server members. It doesn't shoot forward, just shoots back at the user.

Could it have something to do with Permissions? Or is World Guard and PK Bugged?