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1.5.0 BETA 14


Staff member
Hello everyone, it has been a fortnight since the last dev build was released, here's another one! As said in the latest weekly update I am extraordinarily busy as of late. Huge thanks to Coolade for getting most of this Dev Build done!

  • General Changes
    • You can now configure whether sounds play on a per element basis.
  • Airbending Changes
    • AirShield Changes
      • AirShield now plays the proper sound.
    • AirCombos Change:
      • Reduced the total amount of Air Particles created by Twister to reduce lag.
      • AirSweep is now less glitchy
        • AirSweep now reacts better to the player's sweeping motion. Previously AirSweep would glitch out if the server was having TPS lag.
      • AirCombos are less likely to kick players. Players were being kicked from the server for flying while being affected by Twister and AirSweep, this should happen far less often now.
    • AirSwipe Changes
      • Fixed a NullPointerException caused by checking for AirSwipe collisions
  • Earthbending Changes
    • LavaFlow Changes
      • Changed LavaFlow default Left Click values
        • Previously, LavaFlow started cleaning up the lava 5 seconds after the player clicked, this proved to be too fast since LavaBenders were unable to launch LavaSurge within that time frame. LavaFlow now cleans up after 7 seconds instead of 5 by default.


Verified Member
Fire : Combustion ; lightning ; fireblast still don't work!
Its driving players away from my server. Yes I did the /rg __global__ commands


Staff member
Fire : Combustion ; lightning ; fireblast still don't work!
Its driving players away from my server. Yes I did the /rg __global__ commands
Make sure the explosion flags are on. I can confirm they are indeed working with WorldGuard.


Verified Member
Make sure the explosion flags are on. I can confirm they are indeed working with WorldGuard.
I have been looking for a mention of this in other posts to try and find which flags are supposed to be to what, but I cannot find it. Can you point me in the right direction?


Verified Member
Fire : Combustion ; lightning ; fireblast still don't work!
Its driving players away from my server. Yes I did the /rg __global__ commands
Do you have citizens? Delete it if you do. It inhibited several moves from working on my server, as well as the ones you mentioned.
Last edited:


Verified Member
Can you post your __global__ flags?

Confirmed working with zero problems with:
worldguard 6.0.0-Snapshot.1464
Spigot- with the 1.8 protocol hack

Region Flags: build:allow tnt:allow lighter:allow

Build does NOT have to be set to allow in global but if you have build set to deny it probably overrides TNT and Lighter settings.


Verified Member
Can you post your __global__ flags?

Confirmed working with zero problems with:
worldguard 6.0.0-Snapshot.1464
Spigot- with the 1.8 protocol hack

Region Flags: build:allow tnt:allow lighter:allow

Build does NOT have to be set to allow in global but if you have build set to deny it probably overrides TNT and Lighter settings.

Well look who it is.. v.v


Verified Member
There is so much random lag in this new dev build. Like when I am on by myself it drop the tps to 17