This is another one that is pretty much strictly bug fixes. This build was done almost entirely by Jacklin213, I pretty much just made the cooldown changes. I promise cool stuff is coming soon.
- General Changes
- Fix a NullPointerException in TempPotionEffect
- All of the Managers have been cleaned up with references updated.
- Fixed NumberFormatException in /bending bind
- Complete Revamp with how cooldowns are managed
- Now stores on a per player basis instead of a per ability basis. The bendingPlayer class stores cooldowns for ALL abilities except for AvatarState.
- This should be much more efficient than the last one. Instead of having (code talk incoming) 40+ hashmaps (one for each ability), you now just have one for each player online. This is only used if the player is Bending, instead of constantly being checked.
- All custom abilities should, but will not have to, update how they handle cooldowns.
- Use Methods.getBendingPlayer to get the instance of a BendingPlayer.
- Use bendingPlayer.addCooldown(String abilityname, Long length) to add a cooldown to a player.
- Use bendingPlayer.isOnCooldown(String abilityname) to check if the player is on cooldown.
- I'll be happy to answer any questions for those looking to update their own abilities.
- Waterbending Changes
- Fixed error in Task #40 - Bloodbending
- Fixed NullPointerException in IceSpike
- Firebending Changes
- Fixed Task #23 Error - Combusttion