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1.4.0 BETA 6


Staff member
This is probably the only 'small' dev build this weekend. We're working on some large stuff! Jacklin213 did this entire dev build.

  • Waterbending Changes
    • Surge and OctopusForm used together will no longer produce lava.
  • Earthbending Changes
    • Fixed bug where Extraction would get rid of the ore most of the time.
  • Chiblocking Changes
    • Fixed ClassCastException in RapidPunch


Verified Member
Does this update break airbenders? Anything with particles in the airbender's arsenal causes a spam of "task(#) for projectkorra v1.4.0 BETA 6 generated an exception" Would you like the log file? Should also note that i never tried the previous versions as i can't find them anywhere on this website, and the official release download isn't available.
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Verified Member
I cant find the error. Can you give me the error line?
Thanks for trying to help, but doing a massive cleanup (made a new folder and dragged anything that was important into it) seemed to fix the issue. Thanks for looking into it though. Seems like something from my previous avatar plugin was messing with it.


Verified Member
Thanks for trying to help, but doing a massive cleanup (made a new folder and dragged anything that was important into it) seemed to fix the issue. Thanks for looking into it though. Seems like something from my previous avatar plugin was messing with it.
Oh, glad you could fix it!


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Note: the surge octoform glitch still persists in this build, because it was not properly compiled with this beta. This should be resolved in the next build