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1.3.0 BETA 16


Staff member
This one is a bit feature heavy, but we're still getting closer to the 1.3.0 official release! Some much needed bug fixes included as well.

  • Waterbending Changes:
    • Ice from Surge will stay when you switch slots.
    • You should be able to redirect your own WaterManip by clicking once it is in the air.
  • Firebending Changes:
    • Combustion should now explode when it hits an entity.
    • Updated the default Combustion description. (You will have to delete the Description in your config and let it regenerate to get the new Description)
    • Some abilities (AirSwipe, AirShield, EarthBlast, WaterManipulation, and FireShield) will stop a combustion attack.
    • If you click while the combustion beam is en route, it will explode on the spot.